full circle what happens to xavier in season 2,full circle what happens to xavier explored

Full Circle: The Fate of Xavier Revealed

The plot of Max’s complex novel “Full Circle” contains a number of characters and their intricate relationships with one another, which results in a string of crimes that causes everything to fall apart. Jared Browne’s failed kidnapping sets the scene, but as everyone scrambles to advance their own interests, things start to spiral out of control. Some individuals, such as Savi Mahabir and Garmen Harry, want to benefit from the kidnapping and are willing to go to any lengths to do so.


Others, like Xavier, Louis, and Natalia, see they are at the wrong place at the wrong time and just want to return home. Of them, Xavier is the one who becomes so embroiled in it all that he is unable to escape. Here’s some information to keep in mind if you’re wondering what happens to him. Spoilers follow.


What Happens to Xavier?

full circle what happens to xavier in season 2,full circle what happens to xavier exploredXavier travelled to New York from Guyana in an effort to begin a new life. However, he soon realises that he has handed the Guyanese mob control of his freedom and must now follow their orders. Xavier is more composed, in contrast to his friend Louis, who is terrified and anxious about what it means for them. He informs Inspector Harmony, who had asked him to be his informant, of the impending kidnapping and murder of Jared Browne.

Garmen Harry confides in Xavier because of his wit and acumen and reveals to him that he has also been considering leaving New York and returning to Guyana with his family. When Harmony arrests Xavier, locks him to a hotel room, and fastens an anklet to him, he believes this to be his ticket out of crime and back home. When Garmen’s men locate him, they remove the anklet and carry the man to the commander. Xavier informs them that Harmony is an ineffective police officer who is powerless because he failed to impart any useful information to her.

When Louis and Natalia call, Garmen gives Xavier another opportunity to demonstrate his commitment. They must obtain the ransom money in return for Nicky—whom they continue to mistake for Jared—and bring it to Xavier. He promises his buddies that he will regain his freedom and that they would no longer be pursued by the mob. However, when Aked arrives and is murdered by Louis, everything goes wrong. Despite not having Nicky any longer, they are aware of the picture in the Brownes’ flat.

full circle what happens to xavier in season 2,full circle what happens to xavier exploredLouis and Natalia are told by Xavier to transport the painting to a specific location as directed by Garmen. Following the raid, Mahabir and the entire gang are taken into custody. But Garmen and Xavier manage to flee. Garmen’s family was waiting for him on a private plane and had already made plans to escape. Garmen makes the decision to purchase the expensive painting before meeting them. Xavier believes that in exchange for the painting, Garmen will permit Louis and Natalia to travel with them. His boss, though, had something else in mind.

Garmen orders Xavier to acquire the picture and murder Natalia and Louis. They are unfinished business that has to be finished. However, they are more significant to Xavier than anything else because they are his family and friends. He therefore places Louis and Natalia on the plane with Garmen’s family after killing Garmen in place of them. While watching them leave New York, he gives them the money Garmen had.

There is no explanation for why Garmen did not board the aircraft by himself, but there may be a number of possibilities. Garmen’s relatives could wonder what happened to him if everyone else boarded the aircraft but him. Garmen and he will follow them later, Xavier tells his family. He might have remained to bury Garmen’s body as well. If no one discovered it, Xavier would never run the risk of going to jail. Additionally, he is aware of the raid and must have realised that Savi Mahabir and her gang’s heyday had passed. With some money saved up, Xavier can finally have the fresh start he’s been seeking.