Alita Battle Angel 2: Why Netflix Should Definitely Stream The Popular Sci-Fi

It’s been three years since Alita: Battle Angel made its theatrical premiere, which some could argue was at the worst possible time. This prospective franchise was a project that 20th Century Fox worked on before it was the last film the now-absorbed studio would release under its former name. With Alita: Battle Angel 2 still in the works by Robert Rodriguez, James Cameron, and Rosa Salazar, it appears like Alita: Battle Angel may need to find a new home. Fortunately, it appears like Netflix will be the film’s next likely streaming home.


As Alita: Battle Angel is presently not widely accessible on a subscription service, returning the movie to streaming would just be the first step. Should Netflix wish to take the chance to make it happen, this act of good faith might pave the way for a prosperous future. Given what we’re about to describe, it makes more sense than most people might realise. Let’s discuss the reasons why Netflix should give Alita a new home.


Disney Doesn’t Seem To Have Much Interest In Moving Forward With Alita

Alita 2’s prospective future sounded fairly bright in Robert Rodriguez’s most recent update. The man essentially staked his future on the success of The Book of Boba Fett in order to prepare a proposal for Disney that was dependent on its release. Unfortunately, there has been no further word, which would appear to suggest that either Rodriguez hasn’t made his case or that Disney isn’t particularly interested.

It wouldn’t be surprising if Disney didn’t currently push for more Alita: Battle Angel material. It says a lot that a Tron sequel is gaining more support within the company after three years of little progress. There is obviously one side of the equation that is more invested than the other, as even Alita herself, Rosa Salazar, continues to demand greater exploration of Iron City, Zalem, and all places nearby. In light of this, Disney should investigate potential successors, and Netflix has established itself as a pretty strong contender.

Robert Rodriguez Already Has A Fruitful Relationship With Netflix

We Can Be Heroes, a Robert Rodriguez original, became a great hit for Netflix in 2020. About a month after that outstanding debut, which marked the beginning of something wonderful, a We Can Be Heroes sequel was approved. Rodriguez would still work with Disney on The Book of Boba Fett, but later he would have many different options from Netflix.

Along with the upcoming We Can Be Heroes film, Robert Rodriguez and Netflix are also working on the Spy Kids reboot, which was just revealed, as well as the more serious Ben Affleck film Hypnotic. This particular platform already covers a wide range of Rodriguez’s body of work, making Netflix the ideal place for that hypothetical Alita: Battle Angel 2 to flourish.

Netflix Might Allow Robert Rodriguez More Creative Freedom

Years were spent on Alita: Battle Angel under the now-defunct 20th Century Fox banner. Alita is a different kind of undertaking than what you might anticipate from a project produced by the now-Disney-controlled 20th Century Studios, having begun under James Cameron and progressed to Robert Rodriguez’s steady hands. Consider this: Do you believe the current authorities would have ever permitted the “Fuck your mercy” fight to appear in the finished product unedited?

The creative choices for the Alita universe might be more constrained now that Disney owns the 20th Century Studios name. The outcomes could be more liberating if Robert Rodriguez integrated this effort into his ongoing relationship with Netflix. The streaming service already has confidence in Robert Rodriguez’s plans for both children and adults, so this middle-ground endeavour might push the boundaries as far as it reasonably deems fit.

The Alita Franchise Is A Fantastic Fit For A Platform With A Strong Anime Catalog

It also helps that Netflix offers a decently robust anime selection on its platform, with many popular series capturing the interest of many lovers of the genre. Although Alita: Battle Angel isn’t an anime right now, it was once converted into that style of media. Along with the potential Alita movie franchise joining Netflix, the first Battle Angel OVA might also be a choice that deepens the relationship between the streaming site and Alita.

Additionally, it’s a great chance for Alita: Battle Angel to expand into a fully developed universe. The finer elements of the universe can be filled in by anime series and spinoffs, like Alita’s ascent through the ranks of Motorball in the time-lapse that concluded the film. Coexisting movies and television shows would more than make up for the time that has passed, and there is no shortage of Yukito Kishiro’s writing to draw inspiration from for such projects.

It Wouldn’t Be The First Time Netflix Lent A Hand To A Potential Franchise

Because this company has previously given a troubled franchise a try, Netflix is ultimately the ideal choice for an Alita revival. The anime Pacific Rim: The Black, which is ending its run this month with the release of Season 2, provides the best example. The gritty Kaiju adventure from Guillermo del Toro was fortunate to receive a second theatrical sequel as well as numerous tie-ins along the way; yet, if it weren’t for Netflix, Pacific Rim: Uprising would have been the final chapter.

There is a great possibility for Netflix to repeat the magic that Pacific Rim: The Black did with the movies. Fans of the film Alita: Battle Angel are still calling for new stories set in the same universe. The large red streamer seems like the most obvious and welcoming home, so whoever answers that call could be in for a hit saga. Fans of Alita Army will need to keep speaking up until something happens, keeping their thoughts for how and where things should develop in the forefront of their minds.