Selfish And Controlling!! Here’s Why Fans Can’t Stand Olivia Plath From Welcome To Plathville

Fans commended Olivia Plath at the beginning of Welcome to Plathville for her courage and her strong beliefs. That same perspective, though, has shown to be harmful in a number of ways over time. In fact, some fans believe that she is acting in a way that is eerily similar to the behaviour of the one person she never intended to be. Many people have begun comparing her actions to those of her mother-in-law, Kim Plath.


According to Olivia, being a reality star is terrifying because she has share both the positive and the bad parts of her life with the public. The 24-year-old has through many changes, and it’s true that sometimes she wasn’t sure how to handle them. Some viewers believe she just cares about herself, despite the fact that she is still young and learning things.


From being a fan favourite to one of the most despised cast members in the new season, Olivia has undergone a dramatic change. There are a few reasons why many have recently questioned her motives and genuine personality. Fans on Reddit examined Olivia’s recent actions in a thread that SilkCashmere created. The main reasons why viewers dislike Olivia are listed below.

Controlling Behavior

Olivia has sought to maintain a distance not only from her in-laws but also from Ethan. She has done the exact opposite of what she should have done—encouraged Ethan to forgive his parents and strive to mend his connection with them. In a preview for the upcoming season, Ethan tells Olivia that he must return to Cairo to complete the repairs on his automobiles. Olivia instantly becomes upset, and believes that his homecoming will put him back under Kim’s spell. She tries to come up with additional options that would enable him to stay away from his home and his family. Reddit member, dollylovesdrawing wrote, “Everyone has a right to visit their family…the fact that Olivia is intimidated by Ethan spending time with his family is kind of absurd. She is starting to give off commanding vibes, which is not cute.”

Manipulative Actions

When Moriah Plath began to take making music seriously, she asked Olivia for help planning a concert. There was one caveat in Olivia’s promise to aid Moriah and possibly join her band. Olivia informed Moriah that she couldn’t perform if Kim and Barry were present in order for her to feel at ease. Moriah was forced to explain to her parents that they could not attend, which left her in a difficult predicament. She’s SO CONTROLLING and manipulative when it comes to both Ethan and Moriah, wrote Reddit user pchandler45 in the same thread.

Although Olivia may have the best of intentions for those around her, her method of operation is causing those intentions to be misunderstood. Her marriage has been unstable for a while, and there are indications that she and Ethan might be divorcing. The new season of Welcome to Plathville recently started, and fans hope that Olivia will understand that she needs to take some responsibilities and focus on turning things around.

Selfish Attitude

Olivia believed that leaving Cairo would be the best course of action for her and Ethan so that they could concentrate only on their relationship without any outside distractions. Ethan resisted Olivia’s offer to move to Florida, saying that he didn’t want to leave and leave his siblings behind. The pair had been in an impasse for a while, but instead of attempting to reach a solution, Olivia didn’t give Ethan many options. User golfffer on Reddit stated, “Olivia really irritates me. She’s exceedingly selfish, terribly manipulative and could do with a reality check. Ethan will fare better, in my opinion, the sooner the marriage dissolves. Olivia is and will always put herself first.”