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Why Did Google Delist Soap2day?Can You Still Use Soap2day?

What exactly happened to Soap2day?

Google probably removed Soap2day since using it wasn’t fully lawful. actually, like, at all. Since it streamed content (illegally), it undoubtedly broke several important laws and guidelines. Soap2day is “not a legitimate online movie website,” according to Tech Numb, and anyone found using it to obtain or share content risks severe punishment from foreign governments.


In fact, there is reason to worry that those who view TV series and movies on Soap2day might possibly incur fines. According to Tech Numb, using services like Soap2Today can result in severe fines of up to $100K and the possibility of going to jail.


In addition to being unlawful, Soap2day may potentially be disclosing user information to outside parties. When using the service, Twitter user @chlmtcupholder took a screenshot of their screen. When attempting to only use Soap2today, it appears that they were forcibly diverted to some shady chat service. “So, um, I’ll never watch Soap2Day again. now terrified for my life, “They composed. Yikes.

Can you still use Soap2day?

You can use Soap2day technically, but at your own risk. Recently, the website ( added several links to their homepage that would take you to their services. Since Google is no longer a viable method of accessing their library, they advise visitors to bookmark the site for quick access.

The final word? Soap2day is quite dubious. It’s ideal if you just splash out on a Netflix membership and avoid the danger in order to avoid any legal difficulties or having your personal information sold to other third parties.