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Kalee Bruce Obituary: What Happened To Her?

Her family made public the obituary and funeral information for Kalee Bruce. About 25 years ago, the 18-year-old was cruelly killed.


The gruesome murder of 18-year-old college student Kalee Bruce in 1998 stunned the Traverse City, Michigan, neighbourhood.


Bruce was discovered dead in her workplace’s office while she was a student at Northwestern Michigan College and employed as a clerk at a beach flat.

On February 16, 1998, the victim—a front desk agent at the Beach Condominiums in Traverse City, Michigan—was brutally murdered.

She had endured a horrific beating, 19 stab wounds, and blunt trauma to her torso, chest, abdomen, and pelvis. She also suffered fractures in her neck and skull, which indicated that she had been strangled.

She had suffered severe internal injuries as the murderer rammed a metal rod deeply into her body. Even though the crime scene was very bloody, it had a key piece of information: bloody footprints that revealed the killer’s footwear.

The following day, her body was found in the utility room by the maintenance manager.

Kevin Holtzer, a resident of the condominium, became a potential suspect after the police discovered bloody tracks all over the crime scene. A tip showed that he had boots that were similar to those who left the traces.

A week after the murder, Holtzer left the premises and skipped work on February 26, 1998.

Details of Kalee Bruce’s obituary were released after her murder case was closed.

Who killed Kalee Bruce?

Police quickly learned that the footprints at the location matched a pair of boots owned by local Kevin Holzer, who worked at a tyre manufacturer outlet close to Bruce’s place of employment.

A tyre valve core was also discovered, which is a typical component in the shop, and can frequently get caught in workers’ shoes.

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A few weeks later, he tried to leave the country by buying an Amtrak ticket in Carbondale, Indiana, under a fictitious name, but the FBI caught him and imprisoned him in Chicago.

Subsequent inquiry revealed that Holtzer worked at a tyre factory, and investigators connected him to the murder after discovering a tyre valve core at the crime scene that had both Kalee’s blood and Holtzer’s pubic hair.

He had boots that looked like the ones that left the prints, but he wasn’t last seen with them until before February 14, 1998. A day after the murder, he had arrived at work wearing new shoes, stating that the previous ones were stained.

The match was verified through DNA analysis. Ultimately, Holzer was found guilty of murder and given a life sentence without the possibility of release.

At Traverse City, Michigan, the community was shaken by Bruce’s murder and worried for their safety. Bruce’s family and friends did, however, receive some closure as a result of Holzer’s inquiry and conviction.

After a DNA test of hair recovered in Holtzer’s room revealed that it matched Kalee’s, the police were able to enter the room with a search warrant.

The police accused Holtzer of murder; he was later found guilty of first-degree felony murder and given a life sentence without the possibility of release.

According to prison records, he is still detained at the Alger Correctional Center in Munising, Michigan.

It was well known that Kalee Bruce was outgoing and compassionate. In 1998, the citizens of Traverse City were fearful for their safety following her horrible murder.

In order to link Holtzer to the murder, the police investigation relied on biological evidence discovered at the scene of the crime, such as DNA tests, footprints, and hair samples.