Michael Dally and Diana Haun's current location

Where Are Michael Dally and Diana Haun Now? The Aftermath of a Notorious Crime

The puzzling story of a love triangle that resulted in a gruesome murder is featured in Investigation Discovery’s “American Monster: Remote Control.” The murder sent shockwaves through America. Sherri Dally, 35, a wife, mother, and creche provider, went to a nearby Target on the morning of May 6, 1996, with the intention of buying a Mother’s Day gift, but she never came back. However, it wasn’t until over a month later that her animal-ravaged carcass was discovered discarded on Caada Larga Road. And soon her husband Michael Dally and his mistress Diana Haun came under suspicion. So let’s learn everything there is to know about them.


Who Are Michael Dally and Diana Haun?

When both Sherri Dally and Michael Dally were still in high school, they started dating. He succeeded to lock her down in 1982 after winning not only her heart but also the approval of her entire family, and they later had two children together. However, their relationship was not what it first seemed to be. After all, Michael supposedly used cocaine frequently, frequented prostitutes, and had numerous affairs. He even publicly displayed his relationship with Diana Haun, whom he met while working at a Vons grocery shop in Oxnard, California, in 1996, in order to make it plain that he no longer desired to remain married to Sherri.


Michael Dally and Diana Haun's current location

Diana worked as a deli clerk while Michael was the store manager, but after they started chatting and saw how much they had in common, they started dating. Both of them had fathers who had served in the American military and moms who were natives of Japan. Even though Sherri was still living, their relationship even led them to live together in an apartment and take a trip to Mexico in March 1996. They showed no discretion in any situation, either before or after she vanished. In actuality, Michael was spotted with Diana transporting his jet skis for repairs five days after he reported Sherri missing. It therefore came as no surprise when they were both accused of her murder and taken into custody.

Where Are Michael Dally and Diana Haun Now?

Michael Dally and Diana Haun were both charged in separate trials for approximately two years while participating in court processes. Diana defended herself by claiming that Michael tricked her into killing Sherri because of his love for her, despite Michael’s constant insistence on his innocence in all matters. However, both of them were ultimately convicted guilty of first-degree murder and were given life sentences without the possibility of release in 1998. The only reason Michael was spared the death penalty was because the jury couldn’t agree on whether or not to approve it.

Michael Dally and Diana Haun's current location

Diana first appealed her conviction on the grounds that her trial had been unfair since testimony concerning her previous liaison with another married man and the claim that she practised witchcraft, both of which might have influenced the jury against her, were permitted to be heard. But in 2000, her decision stood. Michael, on the other hand, asked the state of California for mercy in 2018, but up until this point, no progress had been made in the inquiries into his case. As a result, Michael, 63, is currently serving a life sentence at the minimum-security California Health Care Facility in Stockton, while Diana, 62, is confined at the minimum to medium-security California Institution for Women in Chino, San Bernardino County.