To his admirers, Ansel Elgort is a mystery. The rising celebrity has been working in the entertainment industry since he was 18 and is just just turning 30. His ability is highlighted by appearances in films like the Divergent series, Baby Driver, and even West Side Story, which also helped him become well-known and keep getting opportunities. His personal life, however, is not quite as successful as his career. Although Ansel Elgort appears to be a decent young man with lofty ambitions and a wealth of talent, there are two things that his followers are curious about. Did Ansel Elgort sexually abuse a young woman when he was 20? And who is Ansel Elgort dating?
Who is Ansel Elgort Dating?
The other part of this is just too much, so we will start here. Due to his relative secrecy regarding his relationships, it is impossible to confirm that Ansel Elgort is single. We do know that he started dating Violetta Komyshan in 2012. They first connected in high school, and as their connection deepened, they began dating. They did not, however, experience a trouble-free relationship throughout it. Despite rumours of a breakup in 2014, they reconciled in 2015.
However, it appears like the pair made the decision to part ways sometime in the summer of 2022, if not earlier. During a trip to Italy, Ansel Elgort allegedly spent time kissing someone who wasn’t his fiancée; this is when split rumours started to fly. It appears that Ansel Elgort and Violetta Komyshan are no longer together, despite the fact that no one has officially declared the end of their ten-year relationship. He is said to be single.
Is Ansel Elgort Dating Shailene Woodley?
Some believe Shailene Woodley, his Divergent co-star, might be his secret lover from the kissing photos. She has been accused of keeping tabs on her own ex and his intriguing new girlfriend, despite the fact that she has just through a significant breakup of her own. She dated NFL star Aaron Rodgers for a while, but their romance appears to have ended when he started seeing an extremely earthy, unconventional type of Instagram influencer. But once more, neither Elgort nor Woodley’s relationship has been confirmed or denied, so it’s unclear who the actor is currently seeing.
Did Ansel Elgort Sexually Assault a Minor?
Although the news is out there, his publicist has done an excellent job of keeping this issue under wraps. Most people aren’t aware of this young man’s great reputation in Hollywood. The actor has refuted each and every charge. But even if nothing happens, it’s nearly impossible to entirely clear someone’s name after they’ve been accused of sexual assault. In every instance, the situation is unfortunate.
A young woman who claimed that Ansel Elgort had sexually abused her in 2014 six years prior came forward in the summer of 2020. She stated that she was 17 and he was 20 at the time. He vehemently refutes the charges. He simply made an acknowledgement of their relationship in a social media post as his sole response to the accusation. In the post, he describes it as “short, lawful, and fully consenting.”
Given that he had such a solid reputation at the time, the majority of people choose to believe the actor. Another young woman, who was also in 2014, has come forward to accuse the actor of giving her nude pictures of his parts and pieces. She was only 14 at the time, whilst he was 20. She tweeted the charge, but she later took it down.
We Know Nothing
In essence, we don’t know who Ansel Elgort is seeing, and we don’t know if he acted inappropriately with somebody who might or might not be a juvenile, or if he sexually assaulted them. He keeps his personal affairs as quiet as he can, and it appears that he works very hard to uphold a positive reputation in the media. We are aware that the young woman who accused him of sexual assault has provided a wealth of information regarding the purported incident. He was aware of her assertion that it was her first time ever having sex.
He allegedly asked her to have a threesome with another acquaintance of her who was also underage after she sobbed through the pain. She argued that she didn’t want to go through another day without finding healing and that she didn’t want any other young woman to experience the same thing. She distributed images of talks, among other things. All of it was deleted, and that was that.