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Are Ding Dong And Julian Marcel Dating? The OneyPlays Hosts Spark Romance Rumors

Do you believe Julian Marcel and Ding Dong are dating? Yes, we are referring to the OneyPlays hosts who sparked rumours about their connection among the viewers. What is happening? Let’s look at OneyPlays before delving into the depths of Ding Dong and Julian Marcel’s relationship.


For those who are unfamiliar, OneyPlays is the suicide cult’s YouTube account. Oney’s Video Hole was the previous name of this Chris O’Neil creation. What does it all mean? Chris enjoys playing video games with his group of friends, The Funny Guys.


They all had fun at OneyPlays HQ. They enjoy each other greatly while doing that. Then you are a member of the OneyPlays Nation if you are a great admirer of this YouTube channel as well. That is the name of the fanbase. It first appeared in 2014.

Rewinding to 2016, Julian Marcel and Ding Dong both become part of the primary host cast of OneyPlays. However, they were unable to proceed once they began to concentrate on Wan Wan Games. Fans have questioned whether Julian Marcel and Ding Dong are dating due to their close proximity. What is known as follows.

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Are Ding Dong And Julian Marcel Dating? The OneyPlays Hosts Spark Romance Rumors

Yes. Julian Marcel and Ding Dong are now dating. Or, to put it another way, they’re in a relationship right now. Their relationship is “lifelong passionate.” Julian hosted Ding Dong at his home while he continued to talk about them. This was more so a result of their shared desire to participate in the Wan Wan Games. We respect Ding Dong and Julian Marcel’s decision to leave OneyPlays because we are fans of them. You can look at the older episodes if you want to see them all at once. Ding Dong was saved by Julian as he was travelling to California.

Ding Dong and Julian are both rather creative, and they appreciate one another’s work. Ding Dong started making games after he arrived on Earth, including Legend Of Mario. He also had the opportunity to practise his communication abilities with Earthlings. Ding Dong and Julian Marcel returned to OneyPlays in March 2021. The creator was also residing in Chicago with these two, despite the fact that their return was just temporary. The three remain close friends. Everyone was aware of Julian’s propensity for guys.

But almost nobody was aware that Dingus would be romantically connected to him. Additionally, several OneyPlays fans assumed they were just roommates after learning that they shared Julian’s new residence. Ding Dong and Julian requested discretion over their relationship.

Because of this, no one dared to inquire about their relationship in person or even on-screen. We value it. The OneyPlays Nation also questioned (or discussed) their love relationship on social media sites like Reddit. Even if you’re a fan, you shouldn’t snoop around in people’s private life. As a result, they appeared online much less frequently. We also don’t want that.

In the actual world, Julian Marcel and Ding Dong are both willing adults. It’s safe to claim that kids are capable of making decisions on their own. Respecting them and their need for privacy is acceptable. However, we also want them to share more information about their connection. I send my best wishes for Ding Dong and Julian Marcel’s next days. The OneyPlays Nation is curious.