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Daniel Patrick Sheehan: Where Is the Infamous Extortionist Now? The Untold Story

The bomb squad and the police were alerted right away when the manager of a Home Depot store in Huntington, New York, received a call informing him that a bomb was concealed in the lighting section. Further inquiry, nevertheless, revealed that the device was actually planted by a local man named Daniel Patrick Sheehan as part of a $2 million extortion plot. ‘FBI True: Home Depot Bomb Plot’ by Paramount+ details the horrifying occurrence and how he was ultimately apprehended. Let’s investigate further and discover Daniel’s current whereabouts.


Who is Daniel Patrick Sheehan?

Although nothing is known about Daniel Patrick Sheehan’s early years, during the time of the bomb fear, he lived on Long Island in New York. Further inquiry into the culprit also turned up the fact that he and his wife had filed for bankruptcy in 1995 and 2000, despite the fact that he had insider knowledge about the business because he worked at a Home Depot location in Deer Park. Nevertheless, many who knew Daniel reported that nothing seemed out of the ordinary and that Daniel seemed to be a kind neighbour. He was actually pretty well-liked in the neighbourhood, and the majority of his friends were astonished when the police and FBI detained him for his involvement in the murder.


A Home Depot manager in Huntington allegedly received an anonymous note on October 15, 2015, saying that a poorly constructed pipe bomb was stashed in the store’s lighting section. Even though the explosive device was completely operational, the sender made note of the fact that it lacked an electronic trigger and could not be set up remotely. In addition, if the manager would not give him $2 million in cash, the bomber threatened to detonate three other bombs of the same design in various Home Depot locations throughout the state, closing them all on Black Friday.

Alarmed, the manager called the neighbourhood police department right away. When officers came, they discovered a pipe bomb deftly tucked away inside the lighting area. A bomb squad was able to defuse the explosive without any injuries, but the bomber’s threat to shut down all Home Depot locations on Black Friday still stood. It’s interesting to note that the bomber called the Huntington Home Depot a few days after the initial threat and reiterated his demands. Even though he insisted he would cover himself in explosives upon collecting the money, the suspect quickly lowered his demand to $1 million.

The FBI and local police had already started developing a list of suspects by this point, and they were certain that the offender was a Home Depot employee because he was familiar with the company’s internal phone lines. Additionally, when the bomber called the manager to voice his displeasure at the presence of law enforcement officers at the money drop, authorities were able to link the call to a burner phone that had been purchased with cash from a nearby 7-Eleven. The FBI quickly identified Daniel Patrick Sheehan because the phone number was already under monitoring, and he was detained after the burner phone used to conduct ransom calls was discovered to be in his possession.

Where is Daniel Patrick Sheehan Now?

Daniel Patrick Sheehan entered a not guilty plea when he was introduced in court. However, due to the enormous amount of evidence, the jury ultimately found him guilty on one count of extortion and one count of employing a harmful weapon to accomplish extortion. He was thus given a 30 year federal jail term in 2013. Daniel submitted a number of applications seeking to have his conviction thrown out in the years after his incarceration. He is still incarcerated at the Federal Correctional Institute in Allenwood, Pennsylvania, as a result of the court rejecting his pleas.