What Really Happened To Glenn Quinn From Roseanne?

Glenn Quinn is most recognised for his work on the original “Roseanne” series and the “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” spinoff “Angel,” where he played Doyle, a half-human, half-demon.


The Irish-born actor portrayed Mark Healy, Becky Conner’s bad-boy boyfriend and later husband, in “Roseanne” (Lecy Goranson). Quinn’s “Roseanne” character might have been a one-off, but according to IMDb, the actor made his debut in the show’s third season in 1990 and stayed until the series end in 1997. Quinn later played parts on “Angel” and “Fair City,” but he had already passed away by the time “Roseanne” got a remake in 2018.


At the time, TV Line revealed that Roseanne Conner’s (Roseanne Barr) kid will be called Mark in honour of his late uncle and that the character of Becky Conner’s husband would not be replaced for the revival season. On the spinoff series “The Conners,” fans heard that Mark Healy passed away in a motorcycle accident. Series performer Michael Fishman, who plays DJ Conner on the programme, wrote of Quinn on Facebook, “As a show we never contemplated replacing his character… Glenn is irreplaceable.”

Glenn Quinn died in 2002

According to the Los Angeles Times, Glenn Quinn was just 32 years old when he was discovered dead at a friend’s residence in North Hollywood, California, on December 3, 2002. The performer, who had a history of drug abuse, passed away from an unintentional heroin overdose. Michael Fishman, Quinn’s “Roseanne” co-star, stated to The Independent that he had never observed Quinn using drugs during his time on the show and that “whatever issues he had started when working on ‘Angel’.”

The timetable was confirmed by Quinn’s sister Sonya, who told the publication that her brother returned to Ireland in 1997, at which point “Glenn’s troubles took over.” “We as a family were very supportive in assisting him,” she said. Despite having brief intervals of sobriety, it eventually devoured him.

A tribute to Quinn was made during the “Roseanne” revival. Everyone on the cast and crew, according to executive producer Bruce Helford, “had great fondness for Glenn,” and his character was discussed frequently throughout the show as his widow, Becky, dealt with her own difficulties. According to Good Housekeeping, a dedication to Quinn and a framed photo of the actor were both shown at the conclusion of the final “Roseanne” episode in 2018 as an homage. According to the late actor’s TV wife, Lecy Goranson, “there were several instances” when the cast and crew felt Quinn’s presence during the ABC reboot’s filming.

Glenn Quinn had a biological brother he never got to know

Glenn Quinn’s familial life was challenging. According to TV Overmind, Murty Quinn, his father, was a vocalist and musician who travelled with the band Miami Showband in the 1960s. The family left Ireland when Quinn was a teenager to go to America. After spending time with a cousin who worked on film sets, Quinn accidentally started an acting career.

Sonya and Louisa were Glenn’s sisters, but he also had a brother named Ciaran who lived in Dublin, Ireland. Sadly, Quinn never got to meet his only brother since, according to The Independent, he was given up for adoption as a baby. Ciaran McQuaile Quinn learned he was linked to the late actor after setting out to trace his birth family. Quinn’s brother said that their real mother, Bernadette, took care of her troubled son and that, before to his fatal relapse, he had been in rehab and “clean” for some time.

Ciaran claimed that despite never having met his actor brother, he was given various relics from his past, including a drum set that belonged to the “Roseanne” actress. He said, “I wear his Claddagh ring.” I only wish I had had the chance to get to know him. [Bernadette] has given me everything she can.