Pokemon Legends: Arceus – How-to Evolve Stantler Into Wyrdeer?

In Pokemon Legends: Arceus, you must know exactly how to fulfil the requirements in order for a Stantler to evolve into a Wyrdeer. One of the trickier procedures calls for using a particular move a certain number of times. But don’t worry; we’re here to assist you.


Wyrdeer is one of the unique Pokemon you’ll get that can be used as a mount, so regardless of whether you evolve one too, you’ll get to know it rather well while playing through the game.


This article will show you how to evolve a Stantler into a Wyrdeer so you may utilise it in combat, but having this Normal/Psychic Pokemon in your party is also a benefit.

Evolve your Stantler into Wyrdeer

When your Stantler has completed the necessary number of Psyshield Bashes, all you have to do is press X to cause it to evolve into Wyrdeer.

Find a Stantler

Finding the foundation Pokemon, which in this case is Stantler, is the first challenge in obtaining any evolution. Stantler is conveniently offered in a number of Hisuian terrorities. Deertrack Heights in the Obsidian Fieldlands, Glacier Terrace in the Alabaster Icelands, and Wayward Wood in the Coronet Highlands are three locations where you can discover it.

Make sure it has the move “Psyshield Bash”

Make sure your chosen Stantler has the move Psyshield Bash once you have it. This manoeuvre is directly related to Stantler becoming Wyrdeer. Maybe that’s the hidden ingredient as the description states that it is used for “cloaking itself in psychic energy.”

But in order for your Stantler to be able to evolve, you’ll need to make it utilise Psyshield Bash in Agile Style 20 times. Additionally, for your Stantler to evolve, it must be at least level 31.

It’s possible that your Stantler already knows Psyshield Bash but hasn’t added it to its cycle because it’s out in the wild. Go to your party’s Stantler, press A, and then select Change Moves to check. It’s possible that you’ll locate Psyshield Bash in this place and be able to plug it in.