Meteorite Staff Elden Ring : Where To Find? It’s Scaling, Abilities & Requirements Explained

Nearly as soon as you start playing, you can find the Elden Ring Meteorite Staff in the Swamp of Aeonia. It’s a wonderful idea to look for this weapon early on because it’s among the best magic weapons you can find in Elden Ring at first and it continues to be a potent option for a long time into the game. That’s because it has a S scale for damage and you just need 18 intellect to start utilising it. That is an immensely potent weapon that you can just find and pick up in the first few hours for a build that is intelligence- or magic-focused.


But since this is a FromSoftware game, it’s not quite simple. When you contact the Swamp of Aeonia where it is, a poisonous swamp, you suffer from Scarlet Rot, and if that builds up to its maximum, you will perish in a matter of seconds. In spite of the fact that you can theoretically just go to its location and pick it up, you should still exercise caution. For instance, having a large supply of Scarlet Rot treatments on hand is crucial. The adversaries in this location can also be difficult to defeat if you’re a lower level because they tend to attack with poison.


Despite the dangers, it is definitely possible to obtain the Elden Ring Meteorite Staff as a top priority for all of your magical requirements. Before you start, it will be worthwhile to use these Elden Ring Rune farming places to gain a few levels to make things easier.


The location of the Meteorite Staff is shown on the map as being in the Swamp of Aeonia, within a collapsed tower. The Sellia Crystal Tunnel Site of Grace, where you were likely teleported at some time early on thanks to a booby trap, is the quickest route there. If that hasn’t happened yet, you can attempt to travel there by bicycle from Limgrave (or find the basement area in the Dragon-Burnt Ruins in Limgrave and open the chest for a surprise). It doesn’t really matter that Aeonia Swamp Shore to the South is the Site of Grace’s closest location.

Whatever route you take, be careful to bring plenty of Neutralizing and Preserving Boluses to combat the poison and Scarlett Rot, respectively. The crimson water in the swamp will cause you to contract Scarlett Rot, which causes you to incur continual damage until you either cure it, rest at a Site of Grace, or pass away. Prepare for both because many of the opponents in this section will use poison-based attacks.

However, you can employ the numerous islands and minor landmasses to stop the growth of Rot. Additionally, you can ride Torrent across the water, but if it gets too much rot, it will suffer damage and eventually perish. In the worst situation, you can move between areas on foot while you wait for the buildup to pass.

To find this building, you must enter the gloomy recess on the map and cling to the cliff face:

One of the windows will have a body hanging out of it with something visible on it. The meteorite staff will be that when you arrive. When you get close, watch out for priests of fungi and flowers who will all launch poisonous attacks at you. Use whatever ranged weapons you might have right away.

The Golden Rune 4 can be found on a body right inside the door of the little tower’s base, and the meteorite staff can be found on the body in the window. However, the area is filled of poison blooms, so be careful.


The meteorite staff’s main selling point is that it only requires 18 Intelligence, which most sorcery users should be able to attain fairly quickly. Additionally, it strengthens any gravity spells you might be casting.

The drawback is that this staff cannot be modified in any way or use Ashes of War. It’s the best that can possibly be expected. Therefore, even if it’s a great early-game purchase, you should swap it out for something else later so that you can level it up and improve it.