miho ninagawa current activities in 2023,miho ninagawa current activities in japan

Miho Ninagawa: Discover Her Current Activities

The UFO sightings in Japan in 2011 are one of the many cases examined in Netflix’s “Encounters,” and they are presented from a distinctive angle. Thus, viewers are very interested in Miho Ninagawa’s statements because she is a strong believer in extraterrestrial life. The Japanese woman discusses, among other things, her beliefs regarding the paranormal and aliens in the documentary program. If Miho piqued your interest and you’re concerned about where she is right now, don’t be, because we’ve got you covered!


Who is Miho Ninagawa?

In the Netflix series, Miho Ninagawa exposes viewers to “light language,” sometimes known as “space language.” She asserts that in order to communicate, she absorbs wavelengths and converts them into sound. It appears that the sounds can range from melodic to conversational in nature. This is one method of making contact with space and aliens, according to Miko. She continued by claiming that she was an alien who had visited numerous stars and was now on earth out of curiosity because the planet was currently undergoing a “ascension.”


miho ninagawa current activities in 2023,miho ninagawa current activities in japan

Miko talked of a time when she was lucid while sleeping and was contacted by five aliens. She stated that of the five aliens, the one in the middle was green and that dazzling white beings were among them. Miko welcomed them by raising her hands and spreading her arms, saying that she had apparently been waiting for them for quite some time. She revealed that she devoted all to the creatures that appeared to have approached at that precise instant and let go of everything else.

Miko seemed to be quite thrilled with the aliens, feeling like she had been reunited with a long-lost friend. The green entity, notably the chakras in her hands, were the target of the green being’s light beams, which his buddies imitated, she said. Miko apparently had extreme bliss as a result of this. In the program, she discusses her theory that the beings were light itself and had manifested as aliens in order for her to recognize them.

miho ninagawa current activities in 2023,miho ninagawa current activities in japan

Regarding the calamities that befell Japan in 2011, Miho thinks it’s possible that extraterrestrials may have intervened to stop the destruction from getting worse. She acknowledged if she was an extraterrestrial herself and had witnessed something so terrible, she would undoubtedly have wanted to step in and assist. According to her, the aliens arrived at that time to maintain equilibrium, and their activities served as a means for them to express their love for humans.

Where is Miho Ninagawa Now?

Miho Ninagawa is a theatre teacher by trade, and she is very open to talking about her views on extraterrestrials. She does, however, acknowledge that she attempts to limit discussing extraterrestrials in order to avoid coming across as “crazier.” Although she doesn’t seem to worry if people have a bad view of her, she does believe that this could prevent the message of the aliens from being received, which is something she does not want.

miho ninagawa current activities in 2023,miho ninagawa current activities in japan

It appears that Miho educates people about the light language in addition to teaching acting. She can also be seen leading a session with others who share her interests and guiding them through their recollections of their apparent life as aliens in the Netflix series. Although some others might find Miho’s assertions to be implausible, she doesn’t bother too much even though she seems fairly passionate about the subject.