After being released from prison in 2018, he went by the name “Pedrinho Matador,” claimed to have killed over 100 criminals, and became well-known on social media.
His passing in Brazil has prompted debate, with some applauding his deeds and others criticising his use of violence. The narrative of Rodrigues illustrates the persistent problems with crime and justice in the nation.
Pedro Rodrigues Filho, a self-described vigilante killer who earned celebrity in Brazil for claiming to have murdered over 100 victims—mostly drug traffickers, rapists, and other criminals—was found dead from multiple gunshot wounds on March 6 near Sao Paulo, according to the authorities.
When Rodrigues, also known as “Pedrinho Matador” or “Little Pedro the Killer,” was finally released from prison in 2018, he had just begun a new life as a social media influencer with over 250,000 followers on the video app Kwai. Rodrigues served 42 years in prison for murder.
In Brazil, Rodrigues attracted a lot of media attention for admitting to executing criminals who, in his opinion, had eluded justice.
He was referred to as “Brazil’s biggest serial murderer” and frequently contrasted with Dexter, a fictional character from the American television series of the same name.
Despite his history, criminologist Ilana Casoy called Rodrigues a charismatic individual who was “joyful, easygoing, and bright.”
According to Casoy, the reason Rodrigues was so well-liked in Brazil may have been because barely 10% of homicides there are ever solved, which undermines public confidence in the legal system.
Despite the fact that the suspects fled the crime scene, it is still unknown what exactly happened to cause Rodrigues’ death.
The news of his passing in Brazil has aroused debate, with some admiring Rodrigues’s activities as a vigilante and others denouncing his violent behaviour.
Despite his violent history, Rodrigues is a well-known social media influencer, indicating that his narrative touched a chord with many Brazilians and brought attention to the ongoing problem of crime and justice in the nation.
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