Bam Margera first gained popularity through his stunt and skate show, CKY, and subsequently through Jackass on MTV. Since then, the skater and actor has established himself, partly thanks to MTV and his collaboration with Element on the ice. The fact that Margera played the role of father instead of prankster may not have been what many people had anticipated. When he and his wife Nicole Boyd welcomed their son Phoenix Wolf Margera into the world, Margera turned that on its head.
The festival was established by Margera as a tribute to the late Ryan Dunn. After witnessing a neighbourhood skate park being destroyed, he plans to use the festival’s earnings to aid in the construction of a skate park in Reykjavik. The most Bam Margera wedding imaginable, perhaps.
Bam Margera explains his son’s name
In December 2017, Bam Margera and his wife Nicole Boyd welcomed a boy into the world. The parents gave their kid the majestic name Phoenix Wolf Margera, and there is a good reason for it.
According to Margera, “I stated it and everyone liked it, so we kept with it.” He then clarified that considering that the couple met at the Phoenix Theater, he thought it was a fitting name for their baby.
Margera has already already begun teaching his youngster how to skate. Bam Margera shows his son using the board for the first time and guiding him around a parking lot in an Instagram video from January 26, 2021.
“Woah woah woah!” shouts Margera’s son, who appears delighted. Phoenix Wolf Margera is being encouraged by Steve-O in the background while Bam and Nicole Boyd applaud him.
How old is Bam Margera’s son, Phoenix Wolf Margera
Phoenix Wolf Margera, the son of Bam Margera, turns three in December 2020. It might only be a matter of time before Margera’s son is spotted tearing up neighbourhood parks given that he was previously introduced to the skateboard.
Margera is unsure as to whether he will encourage his son to act in the same way that he did when he was younger. Margera doesn’t want to put up with the pranks, especially the ones he played on Phil Margera.
Teaching him to skate will be enjoyable. I feel conflicted about showing him my ridiculous Jackass antics, Margera admitted to People.
The ‘Jackass’ star married Nicole Boyd
Bam Margera has already been married once; his first spouse was Melissa Rothstein, the Jackass actor. From 2007 to 2012, they were married for a period of five years. Since their divorce, they have remained friends. Margera later that year met Nicole Boyd, who is currently his wife. Boyd is experienced in the field of acting. She has experience as a model, actor, and photographer. Boyd has previously worked at the Pennsylvania-based haunted attraction known as PennHurst Asylum. She also made an appearance on a Togetherness episode.
At a concert at the Phoenix Theatre in California, the two connected through a common friend. On October 5, 2013, they finally got hitched. During the Random Hero Festival in Reykjavik, Iceland, the couple exchanged vows live on stage.
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