Pokémon Gen 9 Starters : New Scarlet and Violet starters Are Sprigatito, ,Quaxly & Fuecoco

It is known to all who the Gen 9 starting Pokemon are.


Following the release of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, Nintendo revealed the new starter Pokemon for the games in a blog post.


Sprigatito, a “capricious, attention-seeking Grass Cat Pokemon,” is the first to be discussed. Although it’s hard to tell at this time, the cat’s design has a hint of the Misdreavus, and the word “Spri” is fairly similar to the word “spirit,” which makes me believe this could eventually develop into a Grass/Ghost type, of which there are only four others in the series.

Fuecoco, a “laid-back Fire Pokémon that moves at its own pace,” comes next. The design has a little Grass/Dragon-type Appletun resemblance, although that is probably just a coincidence.

Quaxly, a “clean and serious Ducking Pokemon,” is the last. A Water/Flying evolution would seem inevitable considering that this is a duck, even though it is not very unusual within the franchise. Quaxly’s small cap does somewhat like a uniform of some sort, perhaps that of a delivery or postal worker.

Fast-growing fan speculations that the Gen 9 region will be inspired by Spain are given more support by the fact that Sprigatito and Fuecoco, in particular, are blatantly inspired by the Spanish language. Although we don’t currently have a lot of information about the new games, we have read through the announcement to find information about which Pokemon will appear in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet as well as hints that they will be open-world Pokemon games, similar to Pokemon Legends Arceus, which is getting its significant Daybreak expansion later today.

In late 2022, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are expected to be released.