Rise of the Guardians, a 2012 animated film from director Peter Ramsey, features a variety of holiday characters and is sort of like a superhero team-up movie. While DreamWorks Animation’s Rise of the Guardians was a box office disaster, it received positive reviews from both reviewers and moviegoers, and many people are now speculating about the possibility of a sequel. Ramsey has recently said that while there are no current plans, he would dearly love to go back.
I’d love to work with some of those same people again, to have another chance at the apple, and those characters. I think they deserve another shot. I really love them. “I’d love to be involved in something like that again, just because there are so many things I’d like to improve on from the first time because of inexperience or the circumstances that we didn’t get to do. I would love to.
Peter Ramsey’s first full-length picture as a director was Rise of the Guardians, and now that he has a bit more experience, the director is eager for a sequel. He continued, “When you work on anything for three years, you establish a relationship with these little fictitious characters. So, they’re your family. I would love to do right by them. I would love the opportunity to do a sequel and work with the same pool of talent again.”
In Rise of the Guardians, a group of well-known heroes, each with unique superpowers, get together to battle the evil spirit Pitch Black, who has set out to conquer the world. Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, and the Sandman are the Guardians. They team up with Jack Frost, a recently discovered ghost, to stop Pitch Black from drowning the globe in darkness in a battle of dreams and to safeguard the dreams, beliefs, and hopes of children everywhere.
Rise of the Guardians, starring Chris Pine, Alec Baldwin, Jude Law, Isla Fisher, and Hugh Jackman, is a gorgeously animated film with some very brilliant animation. The first film does lay some groundwork for future instalments, and it potentially has the potential to develop into an Avengers-style franchise for younger audiences. Sadly, it seems unlikely that a big-screen sequel would ever be approved because the film only made $306 million against its $145 million budget, losing an estimated $83 million in marketing and distribution expenses.
In addition to Rise of the Guardians, Peter Ramsey co-directed Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, which won an Oscar in 2018. In the movie, which established the concept of a shared multiverse known as the “Spider-Verse,” a young Miles Morales assumes the role of Spider-Man and teams up with Spider-People from other realms to defend New York City from Kingpin. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is getting a sequel, but Ramsey won’t be taking the helm. The film stunned viewers with its wacky multiverse shenanigans and gorgeous animation.
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse 2 is currently being kept mainly under wraps, but this hasn’t prevented fans from speculating about which different incarnations of Spidey may appear in the sequel. Numerous additional Spider-Man iterations could play a role in the production, according to producers Chris Miller and Phillip Lord. Miller previously said, “I think there’s a handful [of potential characters], and I don’t want to reveal too much because there are a vast range of characters who are coming out of the Spider-Man universes currently. And it’s incredibly enjoyable to be able to consider selecting ones that you haven’t seen before or that have something intriguing to say about a particular theme.
Being a binge-watcher himself, finding Content to write about comes naturally to Divesh. From Anime to Trending Netflix Series and Celebrity News, he covers every detail and always find the right sources for his research.