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Servant Series Finale Ending Explained: Is Leanne Really Dead?

Are you curious about what transpired at Servant’s climax? Leanne survived, or is this her final moment? The finale of the psychological horror series Servants was just made available on Apple TV+. The American-Indian director M. Night Shyamalan is in charge of the production of the television series. Tony Basgallop is the creator of the show, while Mike Gioulakis is responsible for its stunning cinematography. There are presently four seasons and 40 episodes of the show. On February 27, 2018, Apple Inc. announced the series.


The thriller and psychological series is primarily filmed in Philadelphia and other locations in Pennsylvania. The television show is created by Tony Basgallop, M. Night Shyamalan, and Blinding Edge Films in collaboration with Escape Artists. The show’s initial debut took place on November 28, 2019. The length of each episode is between 24 and 36 minutes. On March 17, 2023, the series came to an end.


The series’ main cast consists of Lauren Ambrose as Dorothy Turner, a local television news reporter who also happens to be a mentally ill mother, Toby Kebbell as Sean Turner, Dorothy’s husband, Mell Tiger Free as Leanne Grayson, Sean and Dorothy’s mysterious nanny, and Rupert Grint as Julian Pearce, Dorothy’s alcoholic brother.

Baby Jericho Turner, the firstborn child who dies, is portrayed by Mason and Julius Belford in the series’ supporting cast. Todd Waring as Frank Pearce, who plays Dorothy and Julian’s father, Todd Revolori as Tobe, who plays Sean’s commis chef, Son as Wanda, who plays Leanne’s babysitter friend, and Phillip James as Matthew Roscoe, who plays Junlian’s private eye buddy.servant season 4 ending,servant season 4 ending explained,servant season 4 ending theories,servant season 2 episode 4 ending explained,servant season ending explained,what is the ending of servant,servant ending explained,ending of servant season 2 explained,how many seasons will servant have,how many seasons does servant have,how many seasons of servant,servant last episode explained

Servants Ending Explained

The show centres on rich Philadelphia residents Sean and Dorothy, who lost their child before Leanne was born. Following the death of her kid, Dorothy is experiencing mental illness. The couple’s marriage also suffers, and to patch up their relationship problems, Dorothy and Sean have a reborn child. The reborn doll, whom Dorothy views as her child, is the only thing that may have brought Dorothy out of her neuropsychiatric state.

The couple hires young nanny Leanne to take care of the reborn doll six weeks after their child dies. Sean cope with his loss in private at the same time. As soon as Leanne starts to treat the youngster like a real baby and start considering her job seriously, problems start to arise. Sean didn’t want to employ help to look after a reborn child, but he had to for Dorothy’s sake. Sean becomes suspicious when Leanne begins to treat the child like a real infant, so he calls his brother-in-law to look into her.

Leanne is shown strolling with the doll and returning carrying a real baby in the first season. It is also revealed that the Leanne Wisconsin living with Sean’s family is an impostor and that the actual Leanne Wisconsin is deceased. After discovering the reason for the actual Jericho’s demise, Leanne intends to punish Dorothy. Leanne departs for her cult with the infant Jericho. Sean has to protect Leanne from Dorothy several times every day since she hurts her in order to learn where her baby is.

Leanne returns to the marriage with baby Jericho after the couple convinces her that Dorothy is okay. After an event involving the murder of Dorothy’s coworker, who was threatening to divulge the Jericho mystery, Dorothy chooses to terminate Leanne. Sean understands that Leanne is so closely connected to Jericho that he cannot survive without her. Also, we see Dorothy wishing she had a mother like Dorothy. Leanne is also attacked by an unidentified attacker. In behalf of Uncle George, Roscoe betrays Dorothy.servant season 4 ending,servant season 4 ending explained,servant season 4 ending theories,servant season 2 episode 4 ending explained,servant season ending explained,what is the ending of servant,servant ending explained,ending of servant season 2 explained,how many seasons will servant have,how many seasons does servant have,how many seasons of servant,servant last episode explained

Does Leanne Die, Or Is It Her New Begining?

Although the last season got off to a fast start, the public found the series’ conclusion to be unsettling. When Dorothy learns that Leanne is a member of a cult, she makes the decision to permanently get rid of her. Given that Leanne continues to reside in their home, Julian and Sean support Dorothy’s choice. Apart for the cult members who revere the earth she walks on, Leanne is alone.

Leanne also discovers that the only way to put an end to herself and the mayhem she has created is to commit herself because nobody can defeat her. When Dorothy learns the truth—that she is to blame for her son’s death—she is devastated. Dorothy is forced to choose between getting rid of Leanne or going without her child once more. Leanne merely wanted a family, and she may have been able to establish one with Sean and Dorothy, but it’s difficult for everyone because Leanne can’t control her abilities.

Leanne asks Dorothy to take her in, but she refuses since she is still mourning the death of her son. After some time, Dorothy returns to Leanne and expresses her gratitude for allowing her to spend time with her son once more. Leanna reveals how Dorothy let her parents die without a second thought after telling her she isn’t bad after Dorothy also reassures her. To live with the grief and shame of Jericho’s passing, Dorothy makes the difficult decision to let him go. Leanne comes to the conclusion that she no longer has a calling in life.

Following Uncle George’s counsel, Leanne makes the tragic decision to take her own life for the benefit of everyone. She ultimately commits suicide by setting Sean and Dorothy’s home on fire while she is inside it. Leanne uses George’s dagger to blind herself and sever her arms in accordance with the cult’s custom. In an unexpected turn of events, it is discovered that Officer Reyes, who has stood by Dorothy since she accidentally killed her baby, is a fellow member of the same cult as Leanne.

She has recklessly driven her parents’ car into a tree, taking the lives of her loved ones in the process. At the conclusion, an unexpected turn reveals that Julian might possibly be a member of the cult because Leanne saved his life after his heart stopped due to an overdose on Christmas. Angel wings suddenly materialise behind Julian, as seen by the crowd.

Is There Going To Be A Season 5 For The Sevant Series?

The news that the series has concluded with the fourth season will be disappointing for the fans of the show. After the conclusion of the fourth season of the show, the director and crew decided to discontinue production. The director explained that he decided it would be best to commit to four seasons of the show rather than six or more as the rationale for the decision to end.