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8 Similar Shows To Watch If You Like American Pickers

Mike and Frank, two “pickers,” travel around the US looking for old things and artefacts on the History show “American Pickers.” It is surprising how much fun it is to find out what Americans really value and keep. The two people talk to hoarders, collectors, and fans who keep an item of cultural value because they know how much it is worth. After going through all of their junk, Mike Wolfe and Frank Fritz haggle with the owners and buy the item to either sell in their business or keep for themselves.


The charming and funny woman who helps find the owners, Danielle Colby, adds a bit of humour to the show, which makes it even more fun to watch. One of the two hosts, Mike Wolfe, is also the show’s creator. If you can’t get enough of these three shows and want to find more like them, we’ve put together a list for you. Most of these shows are like “American Pickers,” and you can watch them on Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Hulu!


Antiques Roadshow (1979-)

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The BBC’s “Antiques Roadshow” is one of the longest-running reality TV shows. It is based on the original British show with the same name. It follows people who are interested in old things and want to sell them for a lot of money. They give the items to the experts, who talk about their history, where they came from, how much they are worth, and where they came from as they travel across the country. If you watch “American Pickers” and want to know more about these kinds of artefacts in depth, “Antiques Roadshow” will definitely help you do that.

Auction Hunters (2010-2015)

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Allen Haff and Clinton Jones are great for storage unit auctions because they know a lot about a lot of things, like guns and mystery safes. From what they know, they look for these kinds of auctions all over the country and bid on abandoned storage units that have the most potential. During the year, they buy a lot of these units, but only the ones with the most valuable and profitable pieces make it to the end.

When they hit it big, they sell these rare items to collectors who will pay a great price, or at least a price that lets them make a profit. “Auction Hunters” is a reality show that you can watch all at once. Like “American Pickers,” it is made by Scott and Deirdre Gurney, who are looking for collectibles and antiques to sell for a good profit.

Barter Kings (2012-)

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Antonio Palazzola and Steve McHugh take the old system of trading one thing for a better one to the next level by constantly trading one thing for a better one. There is no money involved in what they do. They just use their skills at negotiating and figuring out what to do. Antonio’s Tourette syndrome often makes it hard for them to settle their differences. Also, bartering is much harder than it looks. “Barter Kings” is a reality show on the A&E network. Unlike “American Pickers,” the collectibles on “Barter Kings” are not traded for money but for other items of equal value.

Garage Gold (2013-)

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Kraig Bantle and his team of Garage Brothers are experts at getting things in order. They run a family business where they clear out cluttered and messy attics for free. But this isn’t charity; it’s a unique way for them to run their business. They keep all the antiques and valuables they find at these places so they can sell them and make money. In the end, both the homeowners and the Garage Brothers are happy, so it’s a classic “win-win” situation.

The DIY Network’s reality show “Garage Gold” is a unique take on the pawning genre. If you liked the scavenging on “American Pickers,” this show takes it to the next level by getting the valuables for service and cleaning up the dirty places.

Hollywood Treasure (2010-)

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Hans van Riet is in charge of the reality TV show “Hollywood Treasure.” It follows Joe Maddalena, a pop culture expert and one of the best auctioneers in the world. He and his team look for mementos from movies, TV shows, and celebrities and sell them at auction for a lot of money. “American Pickers” buys and sells all kinds of old things, but “Hollywood Treasure” only buys and sells items from the entertainment business.

Picker Sisters (2011-)

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Tanya McQueen and Tracy Hudson run a store in Los Angeles that sells home decor items. But they are more interested in selling their customers antique and commemorative furniture. They go through every part of the country looking for things that will make their customers happy. “Picker Sisters” is a reality show that aired on Lifetime. Like “American Pickers,” Tracy and Tanya would go to any lengths to find only the best and most pristine items for collectors who were very serious about their hobby.

Salvage Dawgs (2012)

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Mike Whiteside and Robert Kulp own the Black Dog Salvage together. It is an architectural salvage store that must always be full of old things. The two people keep their store stocked by bidding on old architectural pieces from buildings that are about to be torn down. They save old doors, windows, floors, mantels, chandeliers, and other things that show how skilled people were in the past. “Salvage Dogs” is a reality TV show on DIY Network. Like “American Pickers,” it follows a pair of people who are looking for valuables for their company’s warehouse.

Salvage Hunters (2011-)

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Drew Pritchard is a new-age treasure hunter who has a lot of customers who are ready to buy his expensive items. He goes from town to town in the UK looking for antiques in mansions, shops, and fairs. Drew’s decorative salvage yard, which is one of the biggest in the country, is where these things are put on display. As he dives into the backwaters of architecture, his team sells the valuable things they find to the highest bidder. “Salvage Hunters” is a reality show from the UK that airs on Quest. It’s a great choice for people who want to watch something similar to “American Pickers” but with a bit of British humour.