Here’s Why Abel Was The Real Victim In Sons Of Anarchy Not Jackson “Jax” Teller

Abel, Jax Teller’s eldest son, was the one who was most impacted by everyone’s actions and decisions. Over the course of seven seasons, Sons Of Anarchy followed Jax Teller and the titular motorcycle club through many ups and downs. While he and the MC went through hell and back, none of them are the show’s victims. Kurt Sutter’s Sons of Anarchy, which debuted on FX in 2008 and earned positive reviews right away, was able to continue for seven seasons before ending in 2014.


The television series Sons of Anarchy centres on Jackson “Jax” Teller (Charlie Hunnam), the vice president of the Sons of Anarchy motorcycle club in the fictitious Californian town of Charming. The series’ events start when Jax discovers a manifesto that his late father, John “JT” Teller, one of the MC’s original members, had authored. JT outlined his goals and ambitions for the club in it, but they were considerably different from those of Clay Morrow, the club’s current president and Jax’s stepfather (Ron Perlman). These divergent viewpoints and other issues inside the club force Jax to reflect on his life’s course, his place in the club, his relationships, his family, and more. In some way, Jax’s entire family was engaged in SAMCRO, and despite his best efforts to steer clear of it, he nevertheless managed to draw his boys into the mess.


Jax’s mother, Gemma (Katey Sagal), had a significant position in the MC even though she wasn’t a member of it, but she was a respected and very important character in addition to his father being one of the First 9 and his step-father being President. Even with all these conflicts and more, which also led to Jax’s sacrifice at the end of the series, the real victim of the show wasn’t Jax or SAMCRO, but Jax’s son, Abel Teller. Tara (Maggie Siff), Jax’s wife, was also dragged into the chaotic world of the Sons of Anarchy club, which ultimately led to her death. Abel, the son of Jax and Wendy (Drea de Matteo), had his television debut in the Sons of Anarchy pilot. He was born prematurely, with a genetic heart abnormality, as well as with a tear in his abdomen brought on by Wendy’s drug usage while she was pregnant.

Abel was definitely affected by Wendy’s drug use, and while his life was about to become even more dramatic and convoluted, he was already paying for the mistakes of those closest to him. At the conclusion of Sons of Anarchy season 2, Cameron Hayes (Jamie McShane) kidnapped Abel in retaliation against the Tellers since he thought Gemma had accidentally killed his son. Abel was adopted by a wealthy Catholic family, so Jax and the rest of the club went to Ireland to save him (who were killed by the IRA shortly after). When Tara was in danger in season 4, Abel and his brother Thomas were placed under SAMCRO’s protection. To further muddle matters, Wendy later tried to get in touch with Abel.

He and Thomas were both involved in a car accident in Sons of Anarchy season 5 because Gemma was driving while intoxicated. Tara was killed by Gemma in the following season, and in the finale, he overheard Gemma confess to killing Tara and apologise to Bobby’s (Mark Boone Junior) body, which prompted Abel to start harming himself. At the conclusion of Sons of Anarchy, Jax killed himself on the road, and Abel left Charming with Thomas, Wendy, and Nero (Jimmy Smits) to begin a new life apart from SAMCRO. Jax’s issues and suffering were a result of his deeds, but Abel was forced to pay for the bad choices made by people around him from the moment he was born. The true victim of Sons of Anarchy, Abel spent many years caught in the crossfire of SAMCRO’s (inside the club and with outsiders) struggles as well as those of the Teller family. Throughout the course of the show, numerous other individuals underwent some of the most terrifying and sad situations, but they were all the results of their own choices and the club’s decisions, which each member had some input into. Abel was doomed for catastrophe from the start, but perhaps Jax’s wish came true and he avoided the MC way of life.