Twisted Metal, produced by Peacock, is an action-comedy series based on the well-known video game franchise of the same name and was created by Michael Jonathan Smith. The story revolves around John Doe, a milkman with amnesia who has a motormouth and is tasked with carrying a mysterious item through the wasteland of the post-apocalyptic globe. John encounters odd individuals and murderers along the way, including Sweet Tooth, one of the most recognisable video game characters. Here’s all you need to know about Sweet Tooth in “Twisted Metal,” including who plays him and whether he survives the brutal finale. Spoilers follow!
Who Plays Sweet Tooth?
After making his debut in the first game of the same name from 1995, Sweet Tooth has become one of the most well-known characters in the “Twisted Metal” video game series. In practically every game in the series, he is portrayed as a murderous clown with a burning head. He also appears on the game covers. It is safe to argue that Sweet Tooth serves as the video game series’ mascot as a result. Therefore, it makes sense that the character appears in the 2023 film “Twisted Metal,” which is a live-action version of the video games. In the second episode of the show, John Doe (Anthony Mackie) encounters Sweet Tooth, who is portrayed as a clown desperate for support from the audience.
Samoa Joe, also known as Nuufolau Joel Seanoa, plays the role of Sweet Tooth in the song “Twisted Metal.” Joe is a professional wrestler who gained notoriety by competing in independent circuits and promotions like Ring of Honour and Total Nonstop Action Wrestling. However, Joe’s time with WWE, where he wrestled from 2015 to 2022, helped him become more well-known. At the moment, he competes in All Elite Wrestling as Samoa Joe. Joe’s debut in a leading role as an actor was in “Twisted Metal.” However, Sweet Tooth is voiced by actor Will Arnett. Arnett is well-known for his work on television programmes including “Arrested Development” and “30 Rock” as well as for lending his voice to the highly regarded adult cartoon comedy “BoJack Horseman.”