Choose or Die,’ directed by Toby Meakins, is a British horror-thriller film about a college girl named Kayla. After losing her job, Kayla and her buddy Isaac compete in the 1980s survival computer game CURS>R for a $100,000 reward. She quickly finds, however, that the game is influencing her actual life. Kayla needs to win the game in order to rescue her life from the terrifying events.
Iola Evans, Asa Butterfield, Eddie Marsan, and Robert Englund all give outstanding performances in the picture. ‘Choose or Die’ puts the audience on the edge of their seats with its compelling storyline and realistic images. The film’s locales and cinematography are two significant selling points that will make you think twice about playing games alone. If you’re curious about the making of this effective horror thriller, we’ve got all you need to know right here!
Choose or Die Filming Locations
‘Choose or Die,’ formerly known as ‘CURS>R,’ was mostly shot in London, England’s capital. The film’s production was concluded in April of 2021, with Catherine Derry’s outstanding cinematography. The sets were designed by Lou-Lilâ Masson-Lacroix, while the film’s visual effects were created by a brilliant team led by Nicholas Bennett. Now, let’s take a closer look at the film’s locations!
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London, England
‘Choose or Die’ was mostly shot in the ancient city of London. Given the film’s concept, the majority of the sequences were shot indoors. The visual effects section, on the other hand, supplied the necessary assistance in depicting the supernatural components on film.
London was founded by the Romans and is located around the River Thames. The history of the historic city, on the other hand, dates back to the first century AD. The city continues to be a symbol of British prosperity and way of life. It boasts a thriving economy and well-developed infrastructure, allowing citizens to live comfortably and take advantage of numerous opportunities. With its big immigrant population and diverse cultural mix, London is a true symbol of modern globalization.
Given its rich history, ongoing importance, and cultural significance, London is one of the most popular filming locations. Several notable fictional personalities have called the city home, including the well-known sleuth Sherlock Holmes. In fact, one of the most magical scenes in movie history was shot in London. In ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone,’ we’re talking about Harry Potter’s entrance into the magical realm via platform 934 at King’s Cross Station.
The Borough Market, Portobello Road, the MI6 Building in Vauxhall, and the London Underground are all popular locations in London that you may have seen in your favorite movies. Several works set in the bustling city have captured the essence of the place and its people. Twickenham, Ealing, Pinewood, and Shepperton are just a few of the film studios that call it home.
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