Young Royals is a Swedish teen drama web series set at the fictional Hillerska prestigious boarding school. The story follows Prince Wilhelm of Sweden (Edvin Ryding) and his growing gay romance with a fellow student, Simon Eriksson (Omar Rudberg), as well as the turmoil that ensues. Lisa Ambjörn, Lars Beckung, and Camilla Holter created the six-episode series, which launched on Netflix on July 1, 2021. On 22 September 2021, it was announced that a second season would be released in 2022.
In addition, On May 11, the streaming service’s official Twitter account announced that filming on the second set of episodes had been completed, along with Instagram Story screenshots from stars Edvin Ryding and Omar Rudberg.
The photos were accompanied by the following caption: “Season 2 of Young Royals has come to an end! I’m excited to see what happens next for Wilhelm and Simon.”
That’s a wrap on Young Royals Se ason 2! Can’t wait for everyone to see what’s next for Wilhelm and Simon ?
— Netflix (@netflix) May 11, 2022
The Swedish series follows Prince Wilhelm of Sweden, a young prince, as he enrols in a fictional luxury boarding school and begins a relationship with fellow student and choir boy Simon Eriksson.
The first season ended with a sex tape of Wilhelm and Simon being leaked to the public, which is bad enough, but it also poses issues because Wilhelm is compelled to remain closedted as a royal, therefore ending their relationship.
However, the two clearly have feelings for each other, so we’ll have to wait and see if season 2 will see them get back on track.
Young Royals, like Heartstopper, has been hailed for its portrayal of adolescent gay romance (as well as its inclusion of a character with Autism and ADHD). We at Digital Spy were particularly taken by how the characters a) appear to be their age and b) appear to be actual folks you’d encounter on the street rather than models with unreachable nice looks.
Season 2 began filming in February, and we previously anticipated that if there are six episodes here, as there were in season 1, the new episodes will arrive in the Autumn.
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