When “The fourth overall instalment in the “Jackass” franchise, “Jackass Forever,” will have its premiere on February 4, 2022. It is the first instalment since “Jackass 3D” (2010). That’s fantastic news for fans who have been eagerly anticipating the original cast’s return to the big screen to inflict harm on themselves for our pleasure for more than a decade. Numerous members of the original “Jackass” group, including Johnny Knoxville, Steve-O, Dave England, Ehren McGeehee, Chris Pontius, Wee Man, and Preston Lacy, will make appearances in the movie.
“Jackass Forever” will contain the same death-defying foolishness that we have come to know and anticipate, but it will also look very different from previous “Jackass” productions. The realities of time have something to do with that. The original “Jackass” cast also broadcast three seasons’ worth of stunts on MTV in addition to the four films. The cumulative effects of all those injuries have affected the original crew, who are now all in their late 40s and early 50s. Johnny Knoxville suffered such severe injuries during filming the infamous bull riding scene in “Jackass Forever” that his career as a stuntman was essentially over.
Therefore, “Jackass Forever” will inject some much-needed fresh talent. Stuntman Zach Holmes, surfer Sean “Poopies” McInerney, actor Eric Manaka, rapper Jasper Dolphin, comic Rachel Wolfson, and Dolphin’s father Compston “Darkshark” Wilson make up the next generation of professional masochists.
The majority of the audience will not be familiar with many of these names, but this guide will be useful. You can learn everything there is to know about Zach Holmes right here.
He had his own stunt show on MTV
Holmes and his friends earned their very own MTV prank and stunt programme called “Too Stupid to Die” after the cactus video further increased his infamy. This was a dream come true for an Indiana boy who watched “Jackass” on MTV growing up.
Holmes pulled off a number of feats on “Too Stupid to Die” that belonged in a “Jackass” film. He caught his nose in a rat trap. He used a power drill to implant a metal screw into his earlobe. He used two stun guns to shoot himself in the face. He also used a paintball gun to shoot himself in the face, losing a tooth in the process. One very notable prank saw Holmes balancing on a teeter-totter while his friends pushed a washing machine down the roof of a barn and onto the opposite end of the plank, ramming it into his groyne (via The Chicago Tribune).
Holmes has had numerous concussions, sprains, tooth loss, and broken bones over his career. It was all worthwhile in the end. “Pain is fleeting, but videos are permanent,” said Sherlock Holmes (via High Times).
He grew up watching Jackass and was inspired to walk in Johnny Knoxville’s footsteps
Zach Holmes, who was nine years old when “Jackass” originally aired on MTV, was born in Hobart, Indiana, in 1991. He so belongs to the first generation of stuntpeople who grew up watching the programme, and he is now continuing the tradition. Holmes revealed to High Times magazine that he was raised in a strict Christian home and was forbidden from watching “Jackass,” which only served to increase his attraction to the programme.
When Holmes was around ten years old, he and his buddies started using a mini-DV camera to record their own skits and tricks. He set himself on fire as one of his first tricks. Although the young Holmes looked into the safest method, it was still “very risky.” The video looked “f——” amazing, so in the end, the risk paid off.” Over 80,000 people have watched the video, “Chubby pants puts himself on fire,” on eBaumsWorld.
His breakout video was titled “Suicide Vest”
When Holmes posted a stupid prank to YouTube in 2016, he attracted attention from all over the world. For the stunt, firecrackers were taped to his exposed chest before being lit on fire. He gave the video the logical title of “Suicide Vest.” Holmes introduces the act in the beginning of the video, saying, “This should be fun,” before setting off the firecrackers. Zach soon begins to writhe in agony as smoke fills the camera. Holmes has to fling himself into the snow because the pain is so unbearable. The scene then switches to Holmes examining his wounds in a restroom. He sustained third-degree burns and permanent disfigurement from “Suicide Vest,” but it also received more than 4.5 million views (according to The Ringer) (via The Sun).
Even better, actor Steve-O from “Jackass” was impressed enough to extend an invitation to Holmes to Los Angeles after hearing about “Suicide Vest.” The two grew close, and Steve-O helped Holmes on his path to becoming a seasoned self-injurer by mentoring him. Zach even got his own moniker, “Zackass,” from Steve-O.
His stunt work caused him to drop out of high school and get his GED
Holmes realised he wanted to create more of them when his early videos became popular online. It would frequently interfere with his academic pursuits. Holmes enrolled in a journalism class in middle school to learn how to create and edit movies, but he frequently disrupted the lesson until he was expelled.
Holmes and his friends continued to record themselves performing exploits in high school, and they then sold the DVDs to their fellow classmates. A teaser for Holmes’ videos, which included the one in which he sets himself on fire, was once played at a video production class in an effort to market them. The administration, according to Holmes, freaked out, called his family, and attempted to get him in trouble. He had had enough by his senior year. He admitted to High Times that he eventually dropped out of high school. I quit my senior year, got my GED right away, and said, “F— this.”
Holmes’ cactus stunt freaked out the great Steve-O
Meeting The two started working together on their own stunt videos when Steve-O led to larger and greater things. In one of them, Holmes speeds into a cactus on a skateboard. A staph infection was caused by the stunt, and it took three months to get rid of all the needles. Even though Steve-O has done everything from snort wasabi to receive a tattoo while riding in the back of a speeding off-road vehicle, the damage was so severe that he intervened and brought Holmes to the hospital.
However, Holmes’ trip to the hospital wasn’t as straightforward as it would have been for a regular individual. He had established a reputation among the neighbourhood doctors by this time. In response to Steve-question, O’s Holmes said, “I told [Steve-O] how when I’d go to the hospital in Indiana, they’d flip out and usually want to put me on a psych hold because they didn’t understand why I was doing all these insane things. “I kept showing up with new ailments, and the doctors were getting irate. I had to start visiting various hospitals.”
Being a binge-watcher himself, finding Content to write about comes naturally to Divesh. From Anime to Trending Netflix Series and Celebrity News, he covers every detail and always find the right sources for his research.