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The Blixunami: Discovering the Current Whereabouts of the Merm

MerPeople on Netflix is a fascinating documentary on the life of working Merpeople, as its name suggests. Contrary to popular belief, professional mermaiding is a very challenging performance art that calls for countless hours of practise, exceptional swimming and underwater skills, charisma, charm, and expensive equipment. The documentary series shows us how a few well-known members of the mermaid community have transformed their love into a way of life by following them throughout their lives.


The Blixunami, a non-binary individual who chooses to go by the name Merm, is one of the intriguing cast members who we get to know. The Blixnami acknowledged playing with mermaid dolls on the show and even having characters with likes, dislikes, and emotions. In fact, the mermaid dolls are prominently displayed on their social media pages, which makes viewers curious as to where The Blixunami is right now. So don’t worry, we have the solutions!


Who Is The Blixunami?

The Blixunami, a native of South Carolina, asserted that they were a mermaid even while still inside their mother. Even though the general world thinks a mermaid should fit a certain physical description, the Blixunami asserts that they see no reason why everyone and everyone cannot be a part of the community. They have always been fascinated by the mysterious creatures. In fact, The Blixunami stated in an interview with Netflix that they want to inspire others and added, “One of the biggest misconceptions is that mermaiding is only for girls, or that it’s only for women, or that it’s only for gay males. That is untrue. When they hear my tale, I want people to think, “If they can do it, I can too.”

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During the show, The Blixunami’s friends and acquaintances referred to them as a “incredible force of nature who’s become an inspiration in the community.” The Blixunami also noted that they enjoy representing Black queer mermaids in the community and uplifting everyone else in addition to fighting for an inclusive and anti-discriminatory mermaiding community. Interestingly, The Blixunami not only spends her entire life as a mermaid but is also infatuated with and has a large collection of dolls with mermaid themes. Each of their dolls has a given name and a distinct personality. Additionally, The Blixunami frequently conjures up scenarios and stories centred around the dolls, which have amassed enormous popularity on their social media.

The Blixunami, on the other hand, enjoys going to pageants and was very interested to learn about the King and Queen of the Sea Pageant, which was co-directed by Mermaid Soluna. The Blixunami even gave it their all during the competition, and in addition to being named the Mermaid King of South Carolina, they also made it into the top 10. But to say that their optimism was contagious would be an understatement, and it was touching to see how The Blixunami would support the other competitors in their own special way.

Where Is The Blixunami Now?


Despite being from South Carolina originally, The Blixunami now calls the Bronx, New York City, home and devotes all of their time to living the life of a mermaid. On Instagram, where they post pictures of their dolls, artwork, and mermaid performances, The Blixunami has more than 8000 followers despite describing themselves as a mermaid doll influencer on social media.

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It’s interesting to note that The Blixunami portrayed their lifestyle as a work in a Netflix interview, adding, “This is 24/7, 365 for me. Every day, this happens all day. Like I’m eating, sleeping, and breathing.” The Merm, who has a popular YouTube channel and has experience designing book covers, has also worked on various side projects. The music video for The Blixunami’s new single, “Splish Splash on ‘Em.,” is also performing quite well online, which is something we are happy to announce. We hope that The Blixunami will always be happy, even if we are sure that their achievement is the product of their extraordinary effort.