10 Best Fortnite Players In the World | Most Skilled Fortnite Players Around The Globe

One of the most popular eSports environments is Fortnite, and this year’s competitive season went very well. To summarise, we are about to share with you the list of the top 10 professional Fortnite players in the world right now. These athletes have been outstanding, and 2021 has become their breakout year.


Even though the Fortnite World Cup 2021 was postponed, these Fortnite pros have excelled in other competitions. These Fortnite players are unequalled in terms of their skill level, game sense, and strategies.


Since the beginning, the majority of them have been involved in the Fortnite competitive gaming scene. Now, they play this wildly popular battle royale game every day for a living.

Best Fortnite Players in the World

The top 10 Fortnite players with the most victories, earnings, and achievements are listed here.


2003-born American professional Fortnite player Diego “Arkhram” Palma is currently affiliated with 100 Thieves. In 2019, he got a deal with 100Thieves, and he holds the distinction of having qualified for the Fortnite World Cup. While participating in the qualifications, he also earned four top-10 finishes.

This year, Arkhram has amassed a sizable number of professional Fortnite victories. He performs significantly better in solo games than we have seen him do in squad games. He can defeat any opponent on his own with the correct moves and skill set.

Earnings total: $611,336


One of the players with the longest winning streaks in Fortnite is Benjy “Benjyfishy” David Fish. Since the beginning of the battle royale’s competitive scene, this person has dominated the top charts, and he continues to do so in the EU zone.

Benyfishy has often qualified for the Fortnite World Cup and is one of the few players to do it in both the solo and pair events. This talented English player, who was born in 2004, is presently a member of NRG Esports.

$543,106 in earnings overall


Probably the most recognisable professional Fortnite player is Kyle “Bugha” Giersdorf. This North American gamer, who was born in 2002, won the first Fortnite World Cup after defeating more than 40 million rivals from around the world. In 2019, Bugha signed a contract to represent Sentinels.

While 2021 hasn’t been particularly noteworthy for Bugha, a list of the top Fortnite players would be lacking without him. Along with being the highest-paid Fortnite player ever, he earned $3 million just from the First World Cup. This seasoned veteran will soon do more.

Earnings total: $3,175,211


Swedish professional Fortnite player Moussa “Chapix” Faour, who was born in 2004, has remained unsigned for a considerable amount of time. He recently joined Falcon Esports and is now a member of their team. Since 2019, he has been playing Fortnite professionally, and he is steadily moving up the success ladder. Chapix has had a really memorable year in 2021.

He was going to stop playing Fortnite when he took home the $100k first place prize in the European competition. Along with JannisZ, he also triumphed in the Chapter 2 Season 5 Grand Finals. Chapix now hopes to stand out significantly more in the upcoming year.

$270,670 in earnings overall


American professional Fortnite player Shane “EpikWhale” Cotton was born in 2002 and is presently a member of NRG Esports. One of the most successful and highest-paid players in the Fortnite community is EpikWhale. He finished fourth in team mode, 12th in duo, and third in solo.

In the midst of a competition, EpikWhale once swapped his keyboard and mouse for a gamepad. He has given highly steady performances ever since. Every now and then, he keeps adding additional honours to his resume.

Earnings totaled $1,354,667.


Henrik “Hen” Mclean is a member of Guild Esports and is a native of Lithuania. He is one of the professional circuit’s younger players who is currently dominating the leaderboards. His Fortnite competitive career is just getting started, but he has already won a sizable victory for Chapter 2 at the FNCS European Grand Finals.

Although he has been here since 2019, Hen’s most significant year has been 2021. He was able to earn more than $200k in just this one year. He has unequalled talent and promise. He’ll probably win a lot more cups in the ensuing years.

Earnings totaled $1,344,230.


Professional Fortnite player Jack “Jahq” Downs, born in 2004, lives in North America East and competes for G2 Esports. Together with his trio teammates Acron and Slackes, Jahq has taken home the FNCS Chapter 2 Season 5 trophy.

He has recently displayed some truly amazing solo performances, but he is also a very dynamic team player. He is a brilliant builder, IGL, and sniper. This young man will undoubtedly continue to dominate the leaderboards in the upcoming year.

$136,183 in earnings overall



Jannis “JannisZ” Matwin, who was born in 2005, is one of the most talented and young professional Fortnite players. This German phenom competes for Guild Esports and may be the greatest player in Europe at the moment. The most competitive location for Fortnite is thought to be Europe.

By winning the Solo Chapter 2 Season Invitational and the Chapter 2 Season 5 FNCS, JannisZ had a very memorable 2021. It’s a really significant achievement to win two FNCS events in a single calendar year. It was made possible by JannisZ’s superb understanding of strategy.

$328,332 in earnings overall



Along with Arkhram and EpikWhale, Brodie “Rehx” Franks is a professional Fortnite player from North America who competes with 100 Thieves. Rehx hasn’t disclosed his age as of yet, but he is a force to be feared by any foe. On the list of players with the second-most Fortnite professional triumphs this year, he is.

Rehx has won the Trio Cash Cup in addition to his two FNCS championships. He had previously won the DreamHack Open in November in addition to this. He surpasses his impressive skills with his quick movements.

$101,183 in earnings overall





Professional Fortnite player Thomas “Th0masHD” Hxbro Davidsen was born in Denmark in 2002 and currently resides there. He currently represents Astralis and has previously played for illustrious teams including Guild Esports, Gamma Gaming, Rakos Esports, and Atlantis.

This Danish player has done well in every significant Fortnite competition. He hasn’t yet added a cup to his name, though. His performance is quite encouraging, and if things go well, 2022 may very well be his year.

$345,915 in earnings overall



The top 10 Fortnite players in the world right now are listed below. For a while now, these players have dominated the competitive scene. In Fortnite, huge stars like Bugha, Ninja, Myth, and many others have appeared.

With the Fortnite World Cup scheduled for the second half of 2022, according to the insiders, we can expect to see some fresh faces dominating the circuit the following year. Let’s hoping everything goes smoothly so we can see the crazy gameplay once more.