Why Dating A Musician Isn’t As Easy As It Looks

These artists are often gorgeous because of the special element that we know as mysterious which attracts every female to them. Of course, the vice versa situation exists too but in most cases it’s the girl who falls for a musician. Now we all know that there are two sides to every coin, so do musicians. So if you are dating a musician or close to dating one, here are some tips on their personality that you should know about:


Pro 1.

You get to learn so much about the world of music and explore some of the best songs that actually move you.


Con 1.

It becomes a bit too much of learning and you end up hating all those music lessons. Even though they are free and from the heart it’s taxing if you are not so keen as they are.

Pro 2.

They are passionate, and end up making every romantic moment special by playing an original track or performing a song that means something to you.

Con 2.

As much as you love the romantic essence, you would want words to be sentences and not rhythmic lines always. Sometimes a simple one-liner without any changes in the pitch will do.

Pro 3.

They know how to cheer you up or make anyone happy. They find the best of lyrics and rewrite in a tone that soothes you a lot. Especially after a hectic work day, an exclusive song is quite calming.

Con 3.

As much as they perform some mood changing songs, they take it for granted that they need not work harder to make you happy. There are hardly surprises of any other format leaving you bored.

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Pro 4.

Backstage passes and VIP tickets to many live performances in the city. You end up being a part of a bigger popularity chain.

Con 4.

Too much limelight, too many parties and events to attend that you end up having less me time left.

Pro 5.

You can make a lot of the Chicas around you jealous. The guy may not be awesome on looks, but the minute you say he is a musician/artist, he automatically becomes sexy.

You are scared to leave his side for your own life scared that a lot of the girls are throwing themselves on him or worse he might leave you for someone else.

Pro 6.

All your trips get in house music, making it special and also mesmerising.

Con 6.

If he is stuck, so go help you. They become extremely moody and kill all the love you would have for them.

As they are just like other artists, we suggest you look at least some other qualities in your special guy to make life like the perfect musical which has right kind of high and low keys.

Written By : Divya Patelkhana