Cursed Season 2 On Netflix: When Is It Releasing? What’s The New Plot, Cast & Other Major Details

There are spoilers below.


Will a second season of Cursed materialise? By basing its plot on the book Cursed by Frank Miller and Tom Wheeler, which mostly ignores Arthur in favour of Nimue, the show reinterpreted the legend and turned the traditional King Arthur story on its head.


In earlier legends, the Lady of the Lake was a minor figure, but in this version, she takes centre stage, defying expectations with a more modern interpretation of traditional English folklore.

According to actress Katherine Langford, “These hero stories are typically told from the masculine perspective, from a boy or a man’s point of view.”

“What was intriguing was writing that tale and approaching it from the perspective of a female protagonist. The fact that you learn about the difficulties she would encounter as a woman rather than just seeing a woman in a hero story makes it contemporary and relevant to the present.

What is her own particular journey, we pondered? What difficulties does she encounter? What causes her to feel depressed? likewise, “What resources may she use?”

“She believes that as a woman and a girl, you grow up never believing, or even considering, that you could be in a position of power. This is one of the things that we have lately been shooting. You never consider yourself to be a monarch. So it doesn’t occur to Nimue when she first receives the sword.

The show, according to Langford, is a “fantastical and historical work,” and “It’s probably going to develop its own little genre,” he told Digital Spy and other media.

Cursed’s second season had to be renewed by Netflix in order to do it. Was that real? Let’s examine our magical books to determine Nimue’s future.

Cursed season 2 release date: When will it air?

There won’t be a return to Arthurian England because Cursed has been cancelled after only one season, which is awful news that not even The Lady of the Lake could have predicted.

Devon Terrell, who plays Arthur, revealed to Digital Spy that he had been hoping for a second season: “Episode 10 was kind of where I was like, ‘Oh, yeah, this universe is possibly only just beginning. Because season one usually feels like everyone needs to get on board and understand it, there’s no purpose in having “action, action, action,” and then people say, “I don’t know what happened, but I enjoyed it,” it was also my favourite episode when I first read it.

“I believe that everything came together in the end. This is great the way they did it, I thought. Since you’ve now met the characters, it seems as though we’re drawing on their histories or mythologies.

If there is a season two, I believe the conclusion is a fantastic place to start because, in my opinion, the programme keeps getting better.

“I adore how we conclude. Crossing fingers. I wish everyone would watch. But there is so much space for improvement. We have only scratched the surface of what the show could be and how far it could go, so it still seems like the beginning.

Oh, how sad we feel right now.

The cast has been released from their contracts to seek other opportunities, according to Deadline from July 2021. Spontaneous, a film by Katherine Langford about coming of age, Rap Sh*t, a 2022 television series by Devon Terrell, and The Emigrants, a film by Gustaf Skarsgrd, also known as Merlin, which he co-wrote and directed with his father Stellan Skarsgrd and Andrea Riseborough.

Cursed season 2 cast: Who’s in it?

Sadly, since the show has been cancelled, we will never know which cast members would have returned.

Fans are extremely frustrated since Nimue’s future was left uncertain after the gruesome cliffhanger at the end of season one.

She was last seen being struck by arrows and falling into the sea below as Morgana and Merlin fled together after Merlin recovered his magic with the aid of Excalibur.

Before Cursed was cancelled, Skarsgrd said to, “I only hope that we will see a second season.” The main reason is simply that I’m want to find out what happens to Merlin and the other characters. I just want to know what happens after the enormous cliffhanger in Episode 10 has been resolved.

We all do, Gustav.

Cursed season 2 plot: What will the second season be about?

Sadly, due to the series’ discontinuation by Netflix, there were several major cliffhangers at the conclusion of season one.

Nimue lived or died?

What would have occurred next if the Weeping Monk had been Lancelot and the Squirrel had been Percival? Would they have joined Arthur’s crusade in a second season?

What would transpire between Morgana and Arthur?

Regarding how Terrell imagined Arthur would feel following Morgana’s metamorphosis into the Widow, Terrell spoke to Harper’s Bazaar.

“Morgana is such a strong character as well, and Shalom [Brune-Franklin] plays [Morgana] in such a lovely way. This story features so many outstanding female protagonists that I believe it positions Morgana to be… I’m not sure if she’ll be the most formidable foe we see in the show or an ally. What’s amazing is that.

“I was pleading with my sister to get closer during our most recent encounter. The next thing I know, my sister has transformed into this powerful sorceress. It’s a little freaky, then. What I adore about the narrative is that my character is just a regular person watching these two extraordinarily strong ladies come into their own.

Since the series was based on a single illustrated novel by Frank Miller and Tom Wheeler, there is no sequel in print form to help us figure out what may have happened.

Cursed season 2 trailer: When can we see a Netflix promo?


There is no trailer to view because a second season of Cursed is not going to happen. Instead, watch one of the countless awful King Arthur films that are readily available online. You could just just read the book.

The first season of Cursed is now accessible on Netflix.