The horror-comedy series ‘The Horror of Dolores Roach’ on Amazon Prime was created by Aaron Mark and is based on the podcast of the same name, which was itself influenced by Mark’s own stage production, ‘Empanada Loca.’ It centres on Dolores, who tries to start a new life after serving her unfair 16-year prison term. But she soon discovers herself in the middle of a string of cannibalistic murders. Dolores’ romantic relationships influence her character growth, and a burn scar on her palm provides a glimpse to her troubled past. Viewers must be wondering whether Dolores is gay and how she acquired the burn mark as a result. Here is all the information you need to know about Dolores from “The Horror of Dolores Roach” in that case. Spoilers follow!
Is Dolores Gay or Bisexual?
The Horror of Dolores Roach’s main character is Dolores Roach, and Justina Machado portrays her. For her role as Penelope Alvarez in the sitcom “One Day at a Time,” the actress is most known. Machado’s Dolores is introduced in “The Horror of Dolores Roach” as the girlfriend of Dominic, a drug dealer who sets her up in a narcotics bust and gets her an unfair prison sentence. Dolores is freed from jail after serving sixteen years of time there and meets Luis. The show makes it clear that Dolores is attracted to Luis romantically. Dolores is interested in guys as a result, which makes it difficult to recognise her as lesbian.
We also find out that Dolores had a girlfriend while she was incarcerated in the meantime. Dolores developed a romantic relationship with Tabitha, who imparted all of her knowledge on the practise of massage to her. It follows that Dolores is likewise attracted to females. It is therefore safe to assume that Dolores is bisexual. Although the character’s actor Justina Machado is well known for portraying LGBTQ+ individuals, she hasn’t publicly identified as a member of the group. Machado appears to be straight in real life as a result. Nevertheless, she gives a strong performance as the Afro-Latina Dolores, a character who is more defined by her problems than her sexuality and who bears the show’s main themes and overall plot.