Reddit Users Pick 10 Most Unpopular Opinions About Gambit From X-Men

Although Gambit has always been divisive, there may not have been an X-Men member more well-liked by diehard fans in the 1990s. For a while, Gambit was the most well-known name when it came to the new cool X-Men characters, almost more so from the animated series than the comics.

Gambit may not be as prominent in the X-Men books of 2022 and the lives of the team on Krakoa, but old-school fans still love him, as seen by the recent inclusion of the character in the mobile game Marvel Strike Force. However, it is simple to locate individuals who disapprove of him or hold controversial views about Gambit, particularly when searching on Reddit.

Gambit & Rogue Are Annoying Together

There were many reasons not to appreciate Rogue and Gambit together, despite the fact that they were always an intriguing relationship. They constantly quarrelled and did more to make each other unhappy than joyful. The happy times were frequently overshadowed by unpleasant ones, generally brought on by Gambit.

That made them an interesting couple to read about as well. She-Hulk claimed on Reddit that Rogue destroyed Gambit’s “suave personality,” though. “He goes into Pepe Le Pew mode when Rogue is around,” they wrote. The Redditor who concluded by calling Gambit “down right creepy” cited this as one of the things that made him problematic now.

Gambit & Rogue Are X-Men’s Best Couple

The romance between Cyclops and Jean Grey is frequently brought up when discussing the top pairings in X-Men comics. There are some fans that adore the friendship between Kitty Pryde and Colossus, but there is a definite difference of opinion when it comes to Gambit and Rogue.

Regardless of the book, the two have one of the most toxic relationships in Marvel Comics and are interesting and always entertaining to read about. They agreed with 360Saturn’s statement that “Gambit and Rogue are the best X-Men couple” on Reddit. They even attacked Scott and Jean, declaring that they preferred Emma Frost to them.

Gambit’s Dialect Is Bad

In Marvel Comics, Gambit is best known for his speech, which is essentially a highly distinctive Cajun accent. The authors frequently abuse slang and dialect signifiers while he is speaking, much like they do with Thor.

Despite the fact that Gambit’s dialogue is an integral part of who he is, many fans hold the unpopular belief that it renders the character unlikeable. “I dislike when they add Gambits accent into his conversation,” pdman1, a Redditor, said. Then they said, “Write naturally. If we choose, we can read it in our minds with an accent similar to that of the other characters.

Gambit Hasn’t Aged Well

Gambit was a naughty boy when he first appeared. He frequently wandered off on his own tangents, disliked being told what to do, and worked as a good colleague only unwillingly. Additionally, he followed his own path and made sure he never blended in with other heroes.

But many of the factors that contributed to his success in the 1990s are now debatable. In the 21st century, Gambit hasn’t held up well at all, as Redditor The-Mighty-Galactus noted. They assert that “A thief wouldn’t wear a bright coloured armour” or have his face uncovered, in addition to the peculiar appearance of his costume that has already been described. Finally, they inquire, “Do the comics ever clarify the initial purpose of Gambit’s usage of a quarterstaff?”

Gambit Is Lame

Many fans flocked to Gambit as soon as he made his debut in 1990’s X-Men books, and they took to him immediately. It was obvious that Marvel was attempting to market him as a hero who, like Wolverine, battled for good but had a dark side.

This was depicted in the 1990s cartoon series Gambit, a modern-day bad boy and former member of the Thieve’s Guild who wished to change his ways. Some fans, though, were never purchased. White Queen commented on Reddit that “Gambit is dumb af.”

Gambit Isn’t Interesting With Thieve’s Guild

Gambit’s past, which is connected to his life apart from mutants, is one factor that sets him apart from other X-Men members. Gambit joined the Thieve’s Guild at a young age and eventually rose to become its leader, however he no longer holds that position.

But not everyone was a fan of his time spent with the Thieve’s Guild. According to Classicrockchick, Gambit’s status as a hero who excels at stealing stuff is an issue. They stated, “Gambit must abandon the Thieves Guild.” King of Thieves? He can still run jobs and take stuff. Boy doesn’t have time for that, though.

Gambit Looks Terrible

Because of his distinctive appearance, Gambit has never worn the X-Men uniforms. Most fans wanted him to appear like Gambit since that was a part of his distinctive appeal, and when he did, it never looked right. But not everyone appears to favour Gambit’s appearance.

MagikarpSashimii stated in what they referred to as an unpopular opinion that “Gambit is a horrendously constructed character.” They continued by saying that while they enjoy “his suave nature, his card flinging trick,” they find his design to be somewhat odd and “truly hope he gets a well deserved modern update and makeover.”

Gambit Was Never Cool

There are controversial views and then there are those that just seem factually incorrect. It is acceptable to state Gambit wasn’t someone a fan liked, but to assert that the majority of X-Men fans didn’t think he was cool was simply untrue. This is true regardless of whether Gambit was ever truly popular.

On Reddit, user Mrsunrider said, “While I never disliked Gambit as a character, I never understood why people gushed about him. He wasn’t ‘omgsocool,’ but he was fine. Even if this is a controversial viewpoint, there are still folks who are pleading for a Gambit movie.







Taylor Kitsch Was Good As Gambit

It is virtually universally acknowledged that two X-Men films from Fox rank at the bottom of the list of audience favourites. These are the third entry in the original trilogy of X-Men films, followed by X-Men Origins: Wolverine, which was meant to be the first in a new line of stand-alone origin films.

It was astonishing to learn that a Hugh Jackman-starring Wolverine film nearly ended the series. Sadder still, the majority of folks left the theatre feeling let down by how poorly Fox handled the introductions of Deadpool and Gambit. Taylor Kitsch was actually rather competent as Gambit, according to KylosApprentice, who stated their unpopular opinion.

Taylor Kitsch’s Gambit Could Have Been Great In A Solo Movie

While the majority of individuals appeared to despise X-Men Origins: Wolverine, other people appreciated it. The majority of reviewers praised Sabretooth as a significant improvement over the character in the original X-Men movie. Even though Gambit had a smaller role in the film, some people liked him.

Reddit user yuvi3000 went one step farther with it. They didn’t care about the Channing Tatum-starring Gambit movie; they just wanted to see Kitsch given another shot. “I didn’t think Gambit was horrible, but they ran right through him. It probably would have been alright if he had starred in his own film with the same actor, etc.

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Being a binge-watcher himself, finding Content to write about comes naturally to Divesh. From Anime to Trending Netflix Series and Celebrity News, he covers every detail and always find the right sources for his research.

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