We Indians are known for our unique sense of humor, be it in any language and when it comes to Internet, Memes and trolling someone we are behind no one. Most of these puns or jokes go unnoticed as they are in private chats but we have broken that barrier as well. Here are some of the funniest WhatsApp chats by Indians
1. How to Break up Indian style.
2. Most Indians have no respect for Gold Diggers.
3. When your best friend is Angel Priya, but you didn’t know.
4. Best misinterpretation ever!!
5. English is the best language for starting a conversation and Hindi is the best for ending one.
6. When you don’t know the language but you want to impress Bae.
7. Girls are equally good at Trolling!!
8. Puns like this make me laugh. Every Single time.
9. That escalated quickly.
10. How to friendzone some after getting friendzoned by them.
12. Understanding Level : Bro!!!
13. Best Conversations start with : Aur Bol?
14. Mom on Whatsapp = time to quit.
15. Bros before Hoes!!
16. Best friends can never resist insulting you!
Which one did you like the most ?