Is Alyssa Diaz (From The Rookie Season 5) Pregnant IRL?

Fans of the ABC crime drama The Rookie have been ecstatic ever since it was revealed in season five episode thirteen that Detective Angela Lopez was expecting her second child! The episode reveals that Angela and Wesley are expecting a second child, but the circumstances are a little more difficult this time around.


For Angela, the pregnancy occurs just when she believes she has achieved work-life balance. It also occurs at a time when Elijah Stone, a drug kingpin with a particular grudge against Angela and Wesley, threatens to violently attack her family. It’s still a pleasant period for both characters, who will do whatever to keep their family safe.


The plot has been essential to the season’s major narrative, and fans are ecstatic to see Angela and Wesley’s family getting ready to expand once more. The writers chose to include the narrative in the season owing to a potential real-life pregnancy, something the show has been renowned for over the years. Many viewers are also interested to discover if this choice was made.

Is The Rookie star Alyssa Diaz pregnant in real life?

Fans are confident that Alyssa Diaz is definitely expecting her second child even though Diaz has not yet revealed or made official confirmation that she is. The timing of Diaz’s potential confirmation or debunking of the pregnancy rumours sparked by her on-screen character’s pregnancy is unknown because she typically keeps a low presence on social media. Having said that, there is a legitimate reason why fans think the pregnancy plotline was added to the show to account for Diaz’s actual pregnancy.

The Rookie authors found a method to naturally include the storyline when Diaz became pregnant with her first kid back in 2020 rather than making an effort to cover up the pregnancy on the show. Many fans are now persuaded that the choice to make Angela pregnant on the show was once again made to help write in a real-life pregnancy as a result of the fact that her character is currently expecting once more.

The Rookie has a history of writing real-life pregnancies into the show

In order to accommodate the real-life pregnancies of its stars, The Rookie has not deviated from writing pregnancies into the programme over the course of its first five seasons. The first time this happened was in season 3 when the pregnancy of Alyssa Diaz, an actress expecting her first child with her husband Gustavo Galindo, was written into the show.

The authors added Mekia Cox’s actual pregnancy one season later as a plot point for her character investigator Nyla Harper in season 4. It was an action Cox appreciated on social media and was related to a plot line that continued into the fifth season of the programme:

“Many thanks to Alexi Hawley and the rest of The Rookie writing staff for including me in the show while I was pregnant. I’m glad to be a part of a programme that acknowledges and celebrates pregnancy.