Jerry Michael Williams: The Ongoing Investigation

One of the longest-running investigative journalism programmes currently airing on television is CBS’s “48 Hours,” and for good reason: in addition to bringing us real-life instances, it also periodically updates them and always takes into account the human behavioural side of crimes. No different was their coverage of Jerry Michael William’s murder under the heading “Cold-Blooded Killer.” The case of Jerry Michael Williams is one of the most terrifying and fascinating cases ever, with a plot that is reminiscent of a great film. There are many things you should be aware of including infidelity, insurance fraud, kidnapping, and the murder itself, so we’re here to provide you with all the information.


Who Was Jerry Michael Williams?

Jerry Michael Williams, who went by Mike, grew up in a double-wide caravan with his older brother Nick in Bradfordville, Florida. He put out a lot of effort in school because, as the son of a Greyhound bus driver and a creche provider, he understood the significance of money and morals. He participated in the Key Club, was president of the student government, and played football. He started duck hunting as a hobby when he was 15 and dated Denise Merrell, a fellow student.


He majored in political science and urban planning at Florida State University before beginning his career as a property assessor with the Ketcham Appraisal Group. He married Denise, his high school love, in 1994, and afterwards began living the life of his dreams. When his daughter was born in 1999, he stepped up to be a great father as well. He was a good man who supported his family.

How Did Jerry Michael Williams Die?

Bright and early on December 16, 2000, Mike departed from his Tallahassee, Florida, home with his boat to go duck hunting. But he never returned from it. He recently vanished from Lake Seminole, a sizable lake located to the west of the city. When his boat was discovered abandoned on the lake, it was initially thought that he had fallen from it and drowned, and that alligators had consumed his remains. Although there were no signs of him, he was ruled legally dead until, six months later, waders and a jacket with his hunting licence turned up.


The cause of Mike’s death was determined to be homicide after his body was discovered years later, having been buried in muck close to Carr Lake. He had died from a head wound caused by a gunshot, it was discovered. Cheryl, Mike’s mother, had pressured the governors and the state agents for years to reopen her son’s case but to no avail. She had never bought into the alligator idea. So it came as a comfort to her when, after 17 years, she did learn the truth. She didn’t feel any better about the situation or her anguish, but at least she knew what had happened to her kid.

Who Killed Jerry Michael Williams?

Mike was killed by his best buddy Brian Winchester and his wife Denise. Denise wanted to get rid of Mike completely rather than get a divorce because they had been having an affair since 1997 and she didn’t want to split custody of their daughter. Denise had taken out a sizable life insurance policy against him just a few days prior to his murder or disappearance, and Brian, an insurance agent, had assisted her.

Denise received $1.75 million from the three life insurance policies against her late husband when Mike’s passing was formally acknowledged, following the investigation and a court petition by his widow. She then proceeded to wed Brian. Years later, they experienced marital problems. In 2016, Brian was detained for reportedly kidnapping Denise, who was then going through a divorce. He had been given a 20-year prison term for that offence the day before Mike’s body was discovered.

He exposed their infidelity, their scheme to fabricate his murder, and the fact that they shot Mike at Denise’s direction when he testified against her in 2019 in exchange for full immunity in the case. Denise received a life sentence plus 30 years in jail after being found guilty of first-degree murder, conspiracy to commit murder, and accessory after the fact. (CBS / 48 Hours is to blame for the featured image.)