Jiyo Sakuma in 2023: What’s Happening in His World

‘Encounters’ on Netflix presents the tales of some of the most fascinating and astonishing claims of extraterrestrial activity and sightings. This also applies to the purported UFO sightings in Fukushima, Japan, in 2011, however the numerous natural disasters that hit the area around this time have also had an impact on the world. Jiyo Sakuma addresses these and other implications of the case in the documentary series. Here is all we know about his current activities in case you’re interested.


Who is Jiyo Sakuma?

Mother of Jiyo Sakuma was raised in Ishinomaki, Japan, where she later graduated from elementary school and taught students there. Jiyo talked about how much his mother cherished her job as an instructor and her school. Ishinomaki was among the locations that was most seriously impacted when a tsunami struck the eastern coast of Japan in 2011. The disaster devastated the school where Jiyo’s mother worked.


Jiyo discussed various people’s reports that they had seen UFOs close to the Fukushima nuclear power facility, which was destroyed on March 11, 2011, a few hours before the tsunami struck Ishinomaki, in the Netflix series in addition to his mother’s tragic demise. When discussing extraterrestrials, Jiyo said that he first became interested in them when he was 7 years old and that he still holds this belief today. According to him, he always sees aliens as kind beings when he imagines them.

Three months after the Ishinomaki disaster, Jiyo and his wife, Yuko Sakuma, reportedly had a close brush with the paranormal. claiming that their view on things has changed as a result of the event. He related a story about his wife Yuko waking up around two in the morning with the impression that someone was monitoring them. Jiyo went out of bed to check the outside after hearing his wife scream. He asserted that his wife and he had saw a UFO just in front of them.

Yuko related that after seeing a brilliant light, the UFO drew nearer to them. Jiyo allegedly began speaking to the UFO, and it supposedly began to answer by beginning to flash its lights. Jiyo asserted that the UFO’s light began to turn a deep pink tone. While his wife felt that the non-earthly beings were able to understand them because of their own belief in them, Jiyo claimed that he felt like the lines were trying to tell him that he was right.

Where is Jiyo Sakuma Now?

Jiyo Sakuma currently works as a visual artist and continues to hold onto his believe in aliens and his own purported contacts with them. He and his wife, Yuko Sakuma, were both willing to share their tale in the Netflix program and said that their encounter had given them a fresh outlook on life. Jiyo claims that the event changed and cured him, and he seemed grateful for this.

As a result, even though they appear to have very good attitudes towards extraterrestrials, the Sakumas continue to be ardent believers in them. Right now, it appears like Jiyo and his wife are content with their life. Despite the fact that they don’t appear to be frequent social media users, we are confident that they are leading contented and joyful lives.