In late August 2016, Kala Brown’s life underwent a drastic upheaval. Todd Kohlhepp, a serial killer, locked her up and kept her prisoner for over two months. The investigation surrounding her abduction is detailed in CBS’ “48 Hours: Serial Confessions,” which also shows how her family and the police persisted in their search for her. After she was saved safely, a series of circumstances occurred that led to Todd’s conviction for seven murders. Do you have any idea where Kala might be right now? Here is everything we are aware of!
Who is Kala Brown?
Kala Brown, a resident of Anderson, South Carolina, was 30 years old at the time. She had been dating Charlie Carver, 32, who had recently moved in with Kala after divorcing his wife. On August 31, 2016, the couple suddenly went missing. On September 3, Charlie’s mother reported him missing and informed the police that she hadn’t spoken to her son in days. About two days later, Kala’s friend Leah Miller also reported being missing. The apartment of the couple appeared to have been vacant for some time.
As the investigation went on, weird Facebook posts about Charlie and Kala’s marriage, home purchase, and general well-being began to appear on their respective pages. The fact that these posts appeared after several days of stillness made both families wonder if they were genuine. Using the pings from Kala’s cellphone, the police were able to locate her in the end. They followed it and arrived to Todd Kohlhepp’s home. When they arrived, they discovered Kala inside a closed metal container after hearing heavy banging. Around her neck and ankles, she had been chained.
It became known that Kala knew Todd. He was a real estate agent at the time and hired Kala to clean homes. She occasionally worked for him, but nothing looked unusual. But on August 31, everything was far too different. According to Kala, she and Charlie visited Charlie’s property to do some landscaping. Once they arrived, according to Kala, Todd shot Charlie three times in the chest before handcuffing her and holding her hostage. Then he confessed to her that he had painted Charlie’s car and covered it in tree branches to get rid of it.
Kala was held prisoner for the next two months and fed once a day at roughly six o’clock in the evening. Additionally, she revealed to her family that Todd had showed her graves on his land and vowed to murder her if she tried to flee. During her time in captivity, Kala said in an interview that she was raped every day. However, Todd’s mother claimed that he assured her that he did not abuse Kala and that he did not want to injure Kala. Following her rescue on November 3, 2016, Todd’s misdeeds swiftly came to light, and he eventually admitted to seven murders in total, including a quadruple homicide that occurred more than ten years earlier. He received a life in prison sentence.
Where is Kala Brown Now?
As a result of the kidnapping, Kala received more than $6 million from Todd’s estate in August 2018 as real and punitive damages. A psychiatrist testified that Kala would need medicine and counselling for a considerable amount of time in order to feel well during the trial to determine damages. Kala planned to eventually get over the hurt and serve as a victim’s advocate, according to a friend named Dan Herren. Dan further said that Kala brought up additional possible unsolved murders that Todd had informed her of.
When Kala lost her fiancé, Adam Mayson, in February 2019, she experienced yet another sorrow. He self-inflicted a knife wound on himself, and the death was classified as a suicide. James Moore, Kala’s ex-boyfriend, and others were charged with third-degree criminal domestic violence in July 2019. James, who was Kala’s roommate at the time, and she got into a fight, which led to the charge. She has begun a new relationship and seems to be doing much better now. Kala appears to have a daughter and continues to reside in Anderson.
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