Every now and again, a series of posts on social media asks fans to vote for their favourite TV show, film, or franchise. All of us have either witnessed or participated in one of those, so it is inevitable. Look into your feelings; you know they are accurate. These frequently provoke a greater discussion among fans of Star Wars since, well, it’s Star Wars. There are a few favourites when it comes to the Jedi, such as Mark Hamill’s Luke Skywalker or Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor). But if the discussion is about the ideal Jedi in that world, Kanan Jarrus from Star Wars: Rebels is the lone candidate (Freddie Prinze Jr.).
It seems sense that Luke Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano (Rosario Dawson), and Obi-Wan are the most frequently referenced Jedi. Someone might even accompany Qui-Gon Jinn if they are feeling extremely bold (Liam Neeson). Without a doubt, they all have virtues, and no one has to justify their selections to anyone. Kanan Jarrus is the name that best exemplifies what the Jedi have to offer if we consider all components of the Jedi ideology (and not the Council’s decisions). Each of them represents a distinct facet of what being a Jedi is all about. See why, will we?
During the Clone Wars, Caleb Dume was a young Padawan receiving instruction from Jedi Master Depa Billaba. Even though the war lasted only four years, it was long enough to kill off the majority of Jedi as well as the public’s belief in the legendary warriors. Though the Jedi he saw were not the ones of mythology, young Caleb still had some time to learn what it was like to be one of them. Wars do not make great people, after all. Amidst one, the Jedi were knee-deep. He managed to flee when Order 66 was issued and had to adjust to a completely new way of life in order to avoid drawing attention. These incidents are depicted in the opening episodes of the popular comic book series Kanan: The Last Padawan and the animated series Bad Batch.
In Star Wars: Rebels, he already goes by a different name when we first meet him. Kanan Jarrus still carries his dismantled lightsaber, but only for emergency situations (a blaster is already an uncouth weapon, right?). He had to do some dubious things to survive, but he tries his best to help the people of a small planet on the outer rim by collaborating with a rebel cell, and he even has a connection with the rebel cell’s leader, Hera Syndulla (Vanessa Marshall). His true development as a person and as a Jedi doesn’t start until he meets Ezra Bridger (Taylor Gray).
However, it is not really ideal to judge a Jedi according to a rigid and dogmatic ideology like the one we are familiar with. After all, it was that set of guidelines that led to their extinction. The very fact that they disobeyed the Jedi Code is what makes fan favourites like Ahsoka Tano so beloved. Even going so far as to quit the Order, Ahsoka. Before her, Qui-Gon Jinn’s stubborn stance almost cost him a place on the Council. But they both had to cope with the Jedi as an institution, with all the practises and protocols that ultimately led to their demise. Kanan had far greater freedom to explore the boundaries of his religion without compromising its core beliefs because he didn’t. As a result, he changed from what a Jedi truly was many years ago to what a Jedi ought to be. He even overcame old Order animosities and assisted a Mandalorian in learning how to use the Darksaber. He would have never heard the end of it if it had happened ten years earlier.
The Jedi Order was an outmoded organisation that kept its members on a very tight leash, despite how romanticised and deified they were. It refused to allow itself to develop and change alongside the galaxy. For the most part, a Jedi had to live like an enhanced monk, which is challenging in such a vast galaxy. Particularly in relation to sentimental bonds. Romantic relationships in particular were prohibited since they might eventually induce loss dread. Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen) experienced it, but we are all familiar with his story.
But that really shouldn’t matter to a skilled Jedi. While dating or getting married shouldn’t take away from a person’s focus on the Force or their commitment to people in need of assistance, romantic relationships may be a form of attachment if the fundamentals of the Jedi religion are deeply ingrained in them. Actually, rather the opposite, as Hera was frequently what kept Kanan on the straight track. Even in the most difficult circumstances, she was able to bring him to clarity and always inspired him to act morally. In fact, Yoda was so oblivious of Kanan’s relationship even when he managed to get in touch with him. He also had a clear decision to make when given the option to choose between love and the greater good.
Again, Kanan was fortunate in that he was exempt from having to deal with a regulatory institution’s decision. He could only be with Hera because the Jedi Order didn’t forbid it like they did with Anakin. Although he probably was aware of the celibacy requirement, Kanan made the decision to follow his moral convictions rather than deviate from the core principles of his religion. If Anakin had been let to be with Padmé (Natalie Portman), the galaxy may have been a very different place, but Kanan experienced what the Chosen One was denied, so we may imagine how things could have been. Anyone, not even Jedi, can benefit from romance. One may contend that Rey (Daisy Ridley), and not merely the Dyad, were the ones who pulled Ben Solo (Adam Driver) back to the Light.
Kanan is a living example of how a Jedi can help others, serve the galaxy, and be selfless and altruistic without having to maintain a state of perpetual denial about who they are. He was able to serve in the Force in its purest form without having to worry about partisan disputes or rigid rules. And the galaxy and future Jedi will benefit greatly if his Padawan Ezra Bridger chooses to impart what he has learned.