‘The Girls Next Door’ focuses on the life of Hugh Hefner and his companions at the notorious Playboy Mansion in Los Angeles, from flashy fashion to nonstop partying. The reality television programme follows the Playboy-related events and parties in addition to the conflict between Hugh Hefner and his women. The E! Reality show has attracted a sizable audience since its debut in 2005.
Over the course of the show’s five-year run, Kendra Wilkinson has been one of the stars who has most captivated viewers. Many people are interested in finding out more about the specifics of her personal life, even if her professional accomplishment and appearance on the reality show are well-known. Fortunately, we have all the details right here!
Kendra Wilkinson’s Ex-Husband
Despite the glitz and partying that came with Hugh Hefner’s Playboy Mansion, Kendra Wilkinson’s encounter with Hank Baskett was the catalyst for everything’s transformation. During the yearly Playboy golf event, the reality personality and the former NFL player initially crossed paths. Hank and Kendra, who were both smitten with one another, decided to be married quickly. The two came to the conclusion that they wouldn’t want to spend the rest of their lives with anybody else as they got to know one another better. In 2009, Kendra Wilkinson and Hank Baskett declared their intention to wed after only six months of dating.
In June 2009, the couple exchanged vows. The foundation of their love appeared to be unbreakable, but a series of things happened that put their marriage in jeopardy. In 2010, when Kendra’s sex tape was made public, major commotion broke out. Kendra, who is only 18 in the film, and her family had to deal with the worst of the rumours and criticism as a result of the recording. The pair was able to weather the storm, and Hank persisted in offering his wife support.
For a few years, Kendra and Hank were able to maintain their love despite their vast distance and the challenges of new parenthood. But in 2014, when Kendra was pregnant, things allegedly changed when Hank cheated on her with transgender model Ava Sabrina London. Kendra was furious to the point of dumping her wedding ring down the toilet at eight months pregnant. The two participated in an episode of “Marriage Boot Camp” in July 2015, during which Hank discussed the accusations made against him.
The former football player claimed that he had gone to get marijuana to relieve tension but instead encountered something completely unexpected. Hank revealed in a People interview that he froze when a transsexual woman approached him. The celebrity claimed he was being fondled and exploited and likened his position to a bank robbery.
Kendra and Hank were able to settle their disagreements and reconcile after the media blitz and drama that developed behind closed doors. Despite the effort that both parties put forth, the episode served as a prelude to their marriage, and Hank and Kendra both felt very unhappy in their union. Kendra finally filed for divorce in March 2018 after realising that their problems could no longer be resolved.
By October 2018, the couple’s divorce settlement was finalised, however they did not split amicably. Kendra and Hank, who had been married for almost ten years, maintained good manners throughout the divorce process and assured one another that they would always wish one another well. Furthermore, with their kids in the picture, Kendra and Hank both made the choice to act in their children’s best interests and now share joint custody.
Kendra Wilkinson’s Children
Only a few weeks before Hank and Kendra wed at the Playboy Mansion, they made the exciting news that they were expecting their first child. Hank IV was born to the couple on December 11, 2009. Hank IV is now a teen who excels in a number of sports and is now following in his father’s footsteps. The famous entertainer frequently brags on social media about her eldest’s athletic skills. Not only that, but she also posts tidbits on days when Hank IV wins a medal in basketball, hockey or soccer, or when she is a Soccer Mom.
Alijah, Kendra’s youngest child, was born in May 2014 during the conflict. Alijah, unlike her older brother, is a creative soul who prefers to express herself via singing and performing, according to Kendra. Despite the difficulties Kendra has faced over the years, the reality star still makes a lot of adjustments for her kids.
Is Kendra Wilkinson Dating Anyone?
Kendra Wilkinson is not in a relationship. Kendra has kept her personal life private since her breakup with Hank and doesn’t make her partnerships known. Furthermore, Kendra Wilkinson’s lack of a romantic partner on social media leads us to believe that she is currently unmarried and that her children come first in her life.
In addition to concentrating on her kids, Kendra has built her own reputation as a realtor. Kendra keeps making progress in her professional career in addition to starting over in real estate and working twice as hard to provide for her kids. Kendra Wilkinson, who is now the focus of HGTV’s “Kendra Sells Hollywood,” keeps scaling new heights both personally and professionally.