Over the years, Kevin Hart has appeared in a number of classic buddy comedies alongside Will Ferrell, Ice Cube, and, of course, his closest friend Dwayne Johnson. The comedian will next star in The Man From Toronto, a humorous action movie, alongside Woody Harrelson from Venom. This summer’s release of the film will go from cinemas to streaming, which is a change for the better.
Later this year, according to Variety, The Man From Toronto will purportedly become exclusively available to individuals with a Netflix subscription. The choice is in accordance with an earlier agreement Sony and Netflix signed about a year ago, under which the streaming service would receive the rights to the studio’s movies following an 18-month period of theatrical exclusivity. Or, like in the case of The Man From Toronto, a handful of Sony movies will bypass the theatres entirely and stream exclusively on Netflix because the company doesn’t have a dedicated streaming platform of its own.
Woody Harrelson will portray the “world’s deadliest assassin” in the upcoming action comedy, while Kevin Hart’s character is said to as “New York’s biggest screw up.” At an Airbnb rental, these two characters end up being mistaken for one another, and chaos results. Jason Statham was replaced with Woody Harrelson in 2020 after Statham abruptly left The Man from Toronto owing to “creative issues,” particularly with regard to the film’s intended rating. According to reports, Statham wanted The Man From Toronto to be classed R, but the studio wanted a PG-13 release for the Thanksgiving holiday. Due to COVID-19 delays, that never happened in the first place.
Recently, Kevin Hart has appeared frequently on Netflix in shows like the miniseries True Story and the heartwarming family film Fatherhood from last year. In addition to already having the comedy Me Time for the streaming service, he joined the cast of the Netflix action heist movie Lift in late 2021. Hart will also appear in the Borderlands adaptation, the DC animated film DC League of Super-Pets, and the Monopoly motion picture, which is based on the same-named board game.
In the Netflix action movie Kate from 2021, Woody Harrelson and Mary Elizabeth Winstead both starred. Along with repeating his Zombieland role in the 2019 sequel opposite Jesse Eisenberg and Emma Stone, the actor recently acted as the antagonist in the Venom sequel Let There Be Carnage.
It will be fascinating to watch Woody Harrelson and Kevin Hart interact on-screen for the first time. Patrick Hughes, who oversaw both The Hitman’s Bodyguard films starring Ryan Reynolds and Samuel L. Jackson, directed The Man From Toronto. Along with Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Mel Gibson, and Harrison Ford, he was also the director of The Expendables 3 from 2014.
Being a binge-watcher himself, finding Content to write about comes naturally to Divesh. From Anime to Trending Netflix Series and Celebrity News, he covers every detail and always find the right sources for his research.