Here is everything Quentin Tarantino has said about Kill Bill 3 since the release of Kill Bill: Volume 2. He has a lengthy list of unfinished projects, but Kill Bill 3 is the one that still appears reasonably likely. Due to his unique storytelling style, skill at crafting dialogue, and consistent addition of more than enough blood and violence to each of his films, Quentin Tarantino has emerged as one of the most well-known, respected, and contentious directors. Tarantino’s career as a filmmaker began in 1992 with the crime film Reservoir Dogs, while Pulp Fiction—his breakthrough film—came two years later.
In the intervening years, Tarantino has experimented with a variety of film genres, including the slasher Death Proof, the westerns Django Unchained and The Hateful Eight, and even the martial arts in Kill Bill. Kill Bill, a martial arts film that introduced the audience to Beatrix Kiddo/The Bride (Uma Thurman), who was on a revenge mission to end with a team of assassins she used to work with and their leader, Bill (David Carradine), after they attempted to kill her and her unborn child at her wedding, marked Tarantino’s expansion of his horizons after three crime films (though all of them with different tones). Because The Bride’s goal wasn’t finished after the release of Kill Bill, a sequel was released the following year.
The Bride continued her mission in Kill Bill: Volume 2 to kill Bill and the other members of the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad, and when she finally got to Bill, she made a startling discovery: her daughter, B.B, who she had believed had perished when she was shot in the head at her wedding, is actually still alive and was raised by Bill. In the end, the Bride lived up to the title of the film by using the renowned Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique to kill Bill. She then fled with her daughter to begin a new life. Here is everything Tarantino has said about the third Murder Bill movie since the release of Kill Bill 2, which concluded the Bride’s storyline and saw her carry out her pledge to, well, kill Bill.
Everything Maya Hawke Has Said About Kill Bill 3
Maya Hawke, of Stranger Things fame, has also commented on the possibility of being a Kill Bill 3 character. During the filming of Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, in which she played a devotee of Charles Manson, Hawke collaborated with Quentin Tarantino, and she would be more than delighted to do it again. She shares her mother’s view that Tarantino’s Kill Bill 3 is unlikely to be released any time soon, though. Maya Hawke was forthcoming about the possibilities in an interview with The Guardian, largely placing the likelihood on Tarantino’s timetable. “There are persistent rumours regarding that. Stupid Quentin follows his own schedule. He’ll act as he pleases, when he pleases “said the star. But I’ve known him my entire life, and if he ever wanted to collaborate with me again, of course I would love to, she continued. Basically, Uma Thurman and Maya Hawke have said that while they would both star in the film, there isn’t much of a likelihood that Quentin Tarantino’s Kill Bill 3 will happen soon — yet that doesn’t mean it won’t.
Everything Uma Thurman Has Said About Kill Bill 3
Kill Bill 3 is undoubtedly an intriguing idea for the series, and director Quentin Tarantino is the only one who can make it happen. Although Kill Bill 2 doesn’t inherently set up a sequel, there is always room for new stories in the Tarantino universe. Unfortunately, Uma Thurman’s remarks about the prospect of a sequel may not be what fans are hoping to hear. Thurman is willing to consider producing the third instalment, but she doesn’t think it will happen any time soon, which is an issue for the actress. The Kill Bill actor essentially shot the concept down in an interview with The Jess Cagle Show on Sirius XM, claiming that the third film is “not immediately on the horizon.” She continued by saying that although it was discussed in the early years of the franchise, nothing has come up recently. “I truly have nothing to say to you about it. I mean, it has been brought up over time. Although it was thought about seriously at the time, “Thurman continued by saying.
Is It Too Late For Kill Bill 3? 
Kill Bill 3 is absolutely never too late. This is primarily because of Tarantino’s proposed narrative for the series’ upcoming film. The timing is good as of today because the director intended 20 years to pass between Kill Bill: Vol. 2 and any further sequels. Making Kill Bill 3 is still possible due to the possibility of casting Maya Hawke as B.B., The Bride’s kid. Thurman’s daughter is the ideal age to play the role and has a striking likeness to her mother. Additionally, thanks to Stranger Things, the gifted actress is rising to fame. In order for his career to conclude on a good note, Tarantino has previously stated that he only wants to direct 10 films. However, the director has since changed his mind, and Kill Bill 3 would not be a horrible film to end on if he were to keep true to his word. The third film may be released as an anime rather than a live-action version, according to other sources, however this seems to be pure conjecture.
Once again changing the timeline for Kill Bill 3 in June 2021 (understandably), Tarantino stated that it would take place 20 years after the events of Kill Bill 2. When asked if Kill Bill 3 might be his tenth and final film in October 2021 at the Rome Film Festival, Tarantino simply responded, “Why not?” The catch is that if the first two volumes are considered to be one, then the third volume would also need to be included, meaning that Kill Bill 3 wouldn’t be his last film. After discussing his intentions for a comedy Western film, Tarantino continued, and given everything that has transpired with Kill Bill 3, it appears more likely that the Western film will be released before a new Kill Bill film. The future of Kill Bill 3 remains a mystery, and while there are many things to consider (such as the actors’ availability and willingness to return, the story, the budget, and more), the most important one is Quentin Tarantino’s desire to make it, as he has made it clear that his reluctance to return to the Bride and company during the production of the first two films is the reason for it.
Kill Bill 3’s Cast
There haven’t been many fresh names added to the mix because Kill Bill 3’s plans are always changing. The Bride and Uma Thurman would still be in Tarantino’s Kill Bill 3 cast, as was already mentioned, and Julie Dreyfus would join them if Sophie Fatale made a comeback. Daryl Hannah would also need to return if Elle Driver does, which she very well might given that the Bride didn’t kill her but instead left her utterly blind, along with the black mamba Elle brought earlier and used to kill Budd (Michael Madsen). When it comes to the new talent, Tarantino hasn’t revealed a name for Nikki, but Vivica A. Fox has: If Ambrosia Kelley can’t or doesn’t want to repeat her part as Nikki, then she’d like to see Zendaya taking over. However, Tarantino has a suggestion for the role of B.B. Maya Hawke, the daughter of Uma Thurman, stated that it would be “f—king exciting” to see mother and daughter playing the same dynamic in Kill Bill 3.
Kill Bill 3’s Possible Story
Not only has Tarantino hinted at the prospect of a third Kill Bill film, but also at its potential subject matter. Although the Bride wouldn’t be the main character in Kill Bill 3, Tarantino revealed that Nikki, Vernita Green’s (Vivica A. Fox) daughter, will be the centre of attention in the interview (Ambrosia Kelley). The Bride went to Vernita’s house with the intention of killing her because she was the first person on her list, but Vernita wasn’t going down without a fight. A knife battle between The Bride and Vernita was stopped when Nikki got home from school. Vernita tried to shoot the Bride with a gun stowed away in a cereal box after the Bride agreed to meet her at night. The Bride, however, moved faster and flung a knife at her chest. Unfortunately, Nikki saw the entire event, and the Bride assured her that she would be waiting if she felt “raw about it” when she grew up.
Accordingly, Tarantino’s concept for Kill Bill 3 would centre on Sofie Fatale (Julie Dreyfus), who received all of Bill’s money after his murder, raising Nikki. In Kill Bill 3’s narrative, Nikki will go up against the Bride because she “deserves her vengeance every bit as much as the Bride earned hers”; however, B.B., who is the daughter of two assassins, would undoubtedly aid her mother in this endeavour. In addition, Tarantino stated that he hoped to give the Bride and B.B. a decade of peace following Kill Bill 2, but that length of time has already gone. In June 2021, Tarantino revealed additional concepts for Kill Bill 3, describing how the Bride and B.B. would be forced to flee after a time of peace. In addition, Tarantino hinted to the potential reappearance of another member of the Deadly Vipers: Shiaki, the twin sister of Gogo (Chiaki Kuriyama), who might return to exact revenge on her sister, as well as Elle Driver (Daryl Hannah), who wasn’t killed in Kill Bill 2.
Quentin Tarantino’s Original Plan For Kill Bill
The Bride’s story couldn’t be told in just one film, but even two weren’t enough in the beginning. When he was developing Kill Bill: Volumes 1 and 2, Tarantino thought the series would eventually consist of four films, with the final two being released every ten years. Speaking to EW in 2004, not long after the release of Kill Bill 2, Tarantino revealed that he had originally planned to make one Kill Bill film every ten years as part of his “Dollars Trilogy” (a nod to Sergio Leone’s Spaghetti Western trilogy, which consisted of A Fistful of Dollars, For a Few Dollars More, and The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly). However, he admitted that making the first two movies was demanding and that he would need “at least fifteen years” to recover before repeating the process.
When executive producer Bennett Walsh revealed the main concept for Kill Bill 3 and Kill Bill 4 at the Shanghai Film Festival in 2007, rumours about a third Kill Bill movie persisted. At the Morelia International Film Festival two years later, Tarantino expressed his desire in making Kill Bill 3, and he later revealed that it would be his ninth movie (as he has famously stated he will retire after making 10 movies, and both Kill Bill entries count as one). It made logical to schedule Kill Bill 3 as Tarantino’s ninth film since he had only released six films at the time. However, things changed and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood took Tarantino’s place, and Kill Bill 3 hasn’t been released.
Will Quentin Tarantino’s Kill Bill 3 Happen?
The fate of Kill Bill 3 is unknown despite Quentin Tarantino’s expressed interest in producing it. He has the story idea, is aware of which characters he would bring back, and also knows who he wants to see as the new stars of the story. Fans’ dreams for a new Kill Bill movie have been repeatedly dashed by Tarantino, only for those aspirations to be rekindled a few years later. In 2012, Tarantino predicted that Kill Bill 3 would probably never be made, and in 2016, it was claimed that he had spoken to Thurman about it, though he reportedly remained ambivalent about the project. In 2019, Tarantino revealed that he and Thurman had recently spoken about it and exchanged plot ideas, and that the event will occur “at least three years from now.” Thurman concurred, saying he “wrote something.”