Unveiling the Mystery Behind the Lisowski Murder: A Closer Look

The horrifying shooting spree in the Lisowski murder that happened on Christmas morning stunned the entire nation.


She was the one who killed her husband and seriously injured her two daughters.


The incident shocked the neighborhood and made many wonder why this conduct was committed and under what conditions.

In addition, the upcoming episode of ID’s “Evil Lives Here” will revisit and further explore the case of Sungnam Kwon Lisowski.

A Dark Christmas morning

Evei carried out an unthinkable act of violence that changed the path of countless lives on that Christmas morning in 2002.

She shot her husband John Lisowski to death in a heartbreaking act before shooting her two daughters, Christine, 12, and Victoria, 14, as well.

The anguish in their Aurora house was echoed by the quick series of gunshots.

As the girls dealt with serious injuries, their lives were irrevocably altered, and Sungnam’s life took a sad turn.

The details of Lisowski murder

The day’s activities reportedly got underway just before 8:00 am on December 25, 2002, according to the Chicago Tribune.

As John Lisowski sat in front of his computer, Sungnam Kwon Lisowski pointed at her spouse of 19 years.

She killed him instantly by shooting him three times in the back and once in the head.

The incident took place inside their house, which is located in the Stonebridge neighborhood of Aurora.

The couple’s two children, Victoria and Christine, were abruptly woken by gunfire.

They faced the unthinkable as the awful reality hit them. Standing at her girls’ room doorway, Sungnam went upstairs.

She reloaded the handgun she was carrying, preparing for even more horrifying violence.

Sungnam turned the gun on her daughters in a series of unbelievable occurrences. Victoria, who was only 14 years old, was shot five times.

Christine, a 12-year-old who was shot three times, had much worse suffering.

The girls forced their mother aside and locked themselves in a room as they waited for assistance in a last-ditch effort to survive.

Sungnam, who had suffered two gunshot wounds, had withdrawn to another room in the meantime.

Survival amidst horror

The Lisowski daughters’ acts demonstrated their fortitude and resiliency in the face of unfathomable dread.

In spite of their wounds, Victoria and Christine found the strength to push their mother aside and lock her out while they waited for help.

Their survival was made possible by their bravery in the face of turmoil and peril.

Individuals with extraordinary bravery risked their lives to save the injured while law enforcement got involved, facing the horrific situation.

Following Christine’s 911 call, an immediate reaction was launched, saving the girls’ lives.

Responders took the injured victims to the hospital for urgent medical care under the turmoil of dealing with the continued gunshots.

The trial and sentencing

As court processes went on, Sungnam’s mental state came into focus.

She was institutionalized in a mental facility in 2003 after authorities determined that she was not competent to stand trial.

She received treatment, and the next year, it was decided she was ready for trial.

Sungnam admitted guilt in October 2006, more than two years after the incident, despite the preponderance of the evidence.

Sungnam Kwon Lisowski was given a sentence of 45 years in prison without the possibility of parole by the legal system.

The community and the living victims felt relieved after her guilty plea and subsequent sentencing.

Yet those who were permanently altered by the heinous act of violence continue to be affected by the scars left by that sad Christmas morning.

A revisit in “Evil Lives here

The Lisowski murder, which happened on Christmas morning, has garnered public interest for more than 20 years.

The terrifying tale will be revisited in an upcoming episode of the real crime documentary series “Evil Lives Here” titled “We’re Glad Mom is Dead.”

The episode provides insight into the ongoing trauma Victoria and Christine Lisowski have experienced.

The episode serves as a sad reminder of the long-lasting effects Sungnam’s violent act had on her own family as it airs.