In February, a brand-new animated Greek television series called Make My Day is set to debut. The television series tells the story of a tranquil setting that transforms into a battleground as mystical animals grow weary of humans spoiling their tranquillity. You will be intrigued by the story in the horror name series because of its superb graphic designs. The soon-to-be-released play, which draws inspiration from Yasuo Ohtagaki, will incorporate all the scientific concepts as it relates the lovely yet horrifying tales of the prisoners who must break their backs in order to make one for their wrongdoings. Here is every everything we know about the next season.
Make My Day Season 1 Release Date
Netflix has confirmed that the animated series will debut on February 2, 2023, so we won’t have to wait long to start binge-watching it. To binge-watch the new series, which is only available on Netflix, you will need an account. The next series’s episode count is still a mystery, but it will be revealed when the time is right.
Make My Day Season 1 Plot
According to the Netflix logline, the Sigs hail from the chilly highlands. What seems to be a crime-free area is actually a place where prisoners are forced to labour extremely hard to mine for ores. We can already tell from the series teaser that the next season will centre on the mysterious glowing beasts that pose a threat to human life on earth. The creatures shave lived in peace in the mines for what seemed like an eternity, but after a tiny incident catalyses them, they leave in quest of their blood lust. The odd animal group, which is twice the size of the foes, is highly likely to lose some of its members, leaving the surviving with grim tales.