Michael Keaton Reflects On Michelle Pfeiffer’s Catwoman Performance In Batman Returns

Over the years, numerous women have played the part of Catwoman, most recently Zo Kravitz in The Batman, and each of them is notable in their own particular manner. Batman Returns’ Michelle Pfeiffer portrayal of the DC Comics superhero is particularly well-known and well-liked among viewers. Co-star Michael Keaton gave Pfeiffer considerable credit for her portrayal of Catwoman in his reflections on the role.


Batman for an entire generation, Michael Keaton is reprising the character in the upcoming DC films The Flash and Batgirl after an absence of more than 20 years. He therefore has a lot to say on what Catwoman ought to stand for. Keaton has some rather harsh words (through email) for Michelle Pfeiffer regarding Batman Returns and her Catwoman portrayal in The Hollywood Reporter’s profile on the actress. Here are the compliments he directed her way:


She managed to combine sensual, ironic, tragic, dangerous, and just plain good in a way that was almost impossible.

Batman from Tim Burton has spoken, and you know he only tells the truth. I know a lot of individuals who developed crushes on Michelle Pfeiffer after seeing her in Batman Returns, and I truly don’t blame them. She was explosive in that film and is possibly the ideal Catwoman for future female actors.

Since Michelle Pfeiffer, other true icons have performed, including Anne Hathaway and Halle Berry, but Pfeiffer’s performance still stands out and is cherished by Batman fans. But even if Pfeiffer’s Catwoman wasn’t as convincingly performed as it actually was, I’m willing to bet that people would still remember that skin-tight catsuit because she looked amazing in it. And that’s before we even get to Pfeiffer’s mastery of the whip – mercy!

In the 30 years since Batman Returns, Michelle Pfeiffer has kept acting and appeared in some very outstanding films. Her impressive body of work includes Hairspray, White Oleander, and I Am Sam, to name just a few. Despite the fact that many have since followed in her footsteps, her performance in Batman Returns is still among the most enduring of all of her appearances.

All of the females who have played Catwoman have nailed the sexual aspect of Michael Keaton’s praise, and Zo Kravitz from The Batman put herself through a rigorous exercise regimen in order to prepare for donning her catsuit. If you have HBO Max, you can see Kravitz play the part for yourself and see which other of Keaton’s strong adjectives he used to describe Michelle Pfeiffer’s performance. You might still be able to see The Batman in select theatres even though it has debuted on streaming services and is smashing records.