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8 Movies Like ’47 Meters Down’ To Watch For A Deep Sea Adventure:

The story of two sisters who go on vacation to Mexico and decide to go shark cage diving is the focus of Johannes Roberts’ film “47 Meters Down.” After their rope breaks and their cage sinks 47 metres beneath shark-infested water, an adventure turns into a disaster. They must move quickly to reach the surface in one piece because they are running low on oxygen.


The 2017 movie is a survival horror movie that sends chills down your spine and makes you question your decisions. Here is a list we’ve put up specifically for you if you’re itching to feel that rush again and are looking for something as thrilling. The majority of these films, including “47 Meters Down,” are available on Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Hulu!


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The sequel to the first film, “47 Meters Down: Uncaged,” was also directed by Johannes Roberts, making it the closest thing to seeing “47 Meters Down” from scratch with a fresh plot. Four adolescent girls set off on a perilous adventure to explore a submerged Mayan metropolis at the beginning of the story. They dive into the depths with excitement, but their joy is short-lived when they discover a terrible truth. In these seas, deadly great white sharks are waiting to take them as prey. The girls are attempting to escape the jaws of Great White Sharks when they become caught in a maze of cramped caves and frightening tunnels as their air supply runs low.

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As a deadly tsunami strikes, a group of people are trapped in a supermarket in Queensland, Australia. When they realise they are not alone, though, their predicament takes a frightening turn. They are surrounded by enormous, hungry sharks in the submerged store. The group begins to feel fear as they desperately look for an exit while attempting to evade the deadly beasts.

They must muster every ounce of courage to outwit the enormous animals as their chances of survival get smaller with each passing second. Australian action fantasy film “Bait” director Kimble Rendall excels in capturing the fright that permeates people amid such a catastrophe. Similar to the characters in “47 Meters Down,” the survivors have to meticulously plot their escape from enormous Great White Sharks.

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The adventure drama film “Dark Tide,” directed by John Stockwell, is about Kate, formerly referred to as “the shark whisperer.” Following a tragic attack on one of her expeditions, she is battling to keep her shark diving company afloat. She’s paralysed by shame and anxiety and is unwilling to try it again. Her ex-boyfriend Jeff offers her an enticing job to accompany a millionaire on a risky, out-of-the-cage shark dive, but she declines because of mounting debt.

Kate accepts the offer despite her reservations and sets off for the notorious Shark Alley, ready to dispel her uncertainties and face her anxieties. Shark diving, a risky sport or adventure in which participants actively seek out the monsters until they are engaged in combat with them, is depicted in both films.

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Susan McAlester, a biologist, is at the forefront of research into discovering a treatment for Alzheimer’s disease. Her work includes genetically modifying sharks so that the enzymes in their brains may be extracted for human use. The project is carried out at a remote research centre, but one day the sharks develop consciousness and intelligence, which enables them to escape the torment. Renny Harlin’s unconventional sci-fi adventure film, “Deep Blue Sea,” was released in 2017. If there is anything we can learn from both films, it is to respect animals in their native habitats and never underestimate the might of nature and unique circumstances.

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The survival of Charlie, Kaz, and Benny’s seaplane company is a struggle. When Joji and Michelle hire them for a fantasy holiday, their fortunes appear to alter. However, when the seaplane crashes upon the isolated Hell’s Reef, their bliss swiftly turns into a horror. The squad is left stuck on a delicate inflatable lifeboat that is drifting in the big ocean with no supplies.

A lethal great white shark, which is menacingly lurking in the deep, foreboding seas, has detected their presence. They now have to outwit the dangerous predator and endure the ultimate test of their cunning and bravery. Martin Wilson, the director of the Australian thriller “Great White,” emphasises the value of well-organized collaboration, much like in “47 Meters Down.”

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Susan and Daniel set off on a scuba diving adventure in the Caribbean’s clear waters, but a boat accident left them stranded in the middle of the ocean. The sight of sharks circling increased their terror as they prayed for help. They had no choice but to prepare for the unknown chasm that endangered their very existence, and they did so by bracing themselves and taking every precaution. The adventure drama film “Open Water” was written and directed by Chris Kentis. As a result of ignoring the possibilities of human mistake or mishaps, which one must not neglect when engaging in such circumstances, the pair ends up in shark-infested seas in both movies.

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A bunch of individuals decide to go sailing while having fun and reflecting on the past. However, an unexpected boulder strikes their boat, causing it to slowly begin to sink. They choose to swim back to shore rather to let the boat take them farther afield from the shoreline. But in the middle of the ocean, a Great White Shark is following them and begins to stalk the group. The Reef is an Australian movie made by Andrew Traucki that is based on the real-life events of Ray Boundy. The movie “47 Meters Down” illustrates how inadequate planning, gear, and a backup strategy can result in potentially fatal circumstances.

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A young medical student named Nancy abandons her studies and heads to Mexico to deal with the loss of her mother. She takes a hitch to a beach her mother vividly remembers visiting when she was a child. She is warned by two surfers about the high and low tides, and shortly after that, she goes whale-spotting while surfing in the water. A big white shark strikes her and bites into her leg as she gets close to it. She manages to set up camp on a rock and tends to her leg, but it’s high tide and the boulder will soon be submerged, forcing her to face the shark once more. Nancy is mourning the loss of a romance in her life, just like one of the sisters on “47 Meters Down” who visits Mexico after a split, in the action film “The Shallows,” directed by Jaume Collet-Serra. Unfortunately, the two are confronted with terrible circumstances.