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Netflix’s Chupa Ending Explained – What Happens To Chupa In The End?

We talk about Chupa’s ending, which contains spoilers from the Netflix movie from 2023.


Chupa begins in 1996 with a team of scientists under the direction of Richard Quinn (Christian Slater) researching a cave in San Javier, Mexico. They appear to have discovered what they were seeking for: a cute little chupacabra cub, which most people believed to be a mythical creature.


It has wings and a visage that will resemble that of Gizmo from Gremlins. It is a fuzzy cat-like monster (the water-free version).

Before Richard can take the youngster, the cub’s much larger and more terrifying mother shows up, growls at the researchers, and flees, but Richard and his crew pursue her. The chupacabra is forced to leave her cub behind after getting struck by a car while attempting to divert the pursuer’s attention from him.

Afterwards, we meet Alex (Evan Whitten), our protagonist character, a 13-year-old child who lives in Kansas City with his mother. He faces bullying at school because of his Mexican ancestry. Further complicating matters is the fact that Alex is still in mourning over the death of his father from cancer.

The young man is scheduled to spend spring break with his two unknowing cousins, Memo (Nickolas Verdugo) and Luna (Ashley Ciarra), at his grandfather Chava’s (Demián Bichir) ranch in Mexico.

CHUPA | Official Trailer | Netflix

Chupa (2023) Ending Explained
Where was the chupacabra cub hiding?

As soon as he arrives at the ranch, Alex makes friends with his two cousins and learns more about his grandfather’s former life as a professional lucha libre champion wrestler. He finds out that Chava has been dealing with memory loss issues and that the chupacabra cub has been kept undercover in his barn. The small child forms a bond with the little monster, gives him the name Chupa, and swears to keep him safe from the villainous scientist.

Where was the Chupa movie for Netflix made? Explained

The grandfather confesses that he was the one who ran over the Chupacabra’s mother in the beginning of the movie when Luna and Memo met Chupa. He has been guarding the cub and keeping it hidden from Richard and his colleagues ever since the event.

As Richard arrives at the ranch in search of Chupa, Chava threatens to demonstrate his wrestling prowess if he stays.

After Alex pushes Chava during an impromptu lucha libre lesson, Chava is recovering when the evil scientist arrives back at the farm. Alex tries to enlist the assistance of his grandfather but is unable to stop Richard from killing and enclosing Chupa.

Why do the kids steal Richard’s car?

Sadly, Chava is experiencing memory loss and can only agree to assist because Alex deceives him into thinking Richard is his long-lost wrestling rival. Richard gets challenged to a battle by Chava, who is wearing full lucha libre gear. The three kids steal Richard’s car during the ensuing mayhem and go towards the desert in search of Chupa’s family.

The gang moves in the direction of the accident site, where Chava first met Chupa and his mother. From there, the tiny critter travels along a scent in the direction of a sizable canyon that is divided by a pipe.

Where is Chupa’s family?

Alex and Chupa share a tearful goodbye as the furry companion moves off into the distance, as his family is on the other side of the gorge.

Just after Chupa disappears from view, Alex comes face to face with a mountain lion. The boy ends up on the extremely shaky pipe that connects the two sides of the canyon while attempting to flee from the top predator. The pipe collapses from under Alex, forcing him to grasp on for his life as his cousins and grandfather arrive just in time to chase the mountain lion away.

Review of Chupa (2023): A nice story about family, culture, and adorable mythological creatures
Fortunately, Chupa heard his terrified shouts and returned. When it appears like both the child and the chupacabra are ready to perish, the cute creature succeeds in flying for the first time, saving Alex.

Why does Richard want to capture Chupa?

Richard is not yet finished, which is unfortunate for Chupa. It becomes apparent throughout the film that the scientist must capture a chupacabra in order to keep his funding. The scientist seems to believe that the healing powers of chupacabra blood. As he would be working with some extremely wealthy and dangerous people, he might or might not also be in physical danger.

As soon as Chupa returns Alex to safety in a flying machine, the evil scientist materialises out of thin air and sedates him. Richard puts the little cub in a cage before putting the family in danger by brandishing a shock stick.

But he doesn’t get very far since the other chupacabras assault Richard’s automobile after hearing the cub’s cry for rescue. Richard tries to keep Chupa by his side but is ultimately compelled to let him go as Chava uses his famous lucha libre manoeuvre to disable the bad guy.

Alex learns the importance of family

Alex tells his granddad and cousins that he’s happy to have them as a family after bidding Chupa (again) farewell.

We see Alex bid his relatives farewell while promising to return and visit as his stay in Mexico is drawing to a close. On the way to the airport, Alex shares that he has some basic Spanish knowledge and intends to keep learning it.

Also, we learn that Chava decided to move in with his daughter’s family in Mexico City rather than obstinately believing he can manage the farm alone despite his ongoing mental impairment.

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Alex is on a flight headed back to Kansas City as Chupa concludes. He only sees Chupa flying next to it when he glances out the window. It appears that the monster wished to bid his pal a final farewell.