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Netflix’s ‘Obsession’ Ending Explained: What Happens Between Anna & William?

This week, a new sensual thriller called Obsession will be released on Netflix. Welcome to the Ending Explained for Obsession. Richard Armitage, Charlie Murphy, Rish Shah, and Indira Varma are the show’s stars. The TV show centres on the story of William and Anna’s illicit romance. The two devoted lovers are in a really difficult situation. See, Anna is not just ordinary street prostitute; she is William’s wife. In reality, she is dating William’s son. Despite how messy it is, these two adore one another.


The four-episode television series, which is based on a book, serves as an example of the standard for stories of this nature. There is no reason to extend a story’s run beyond necessary. Can the plot be completed in four episodes? perhaps six? That is sufficient for your show, therefore. The viewers can tell when a series feels pressure to produce 8 or 10 episodes in order to meet a quota. As a result, the episodes move too slowly and drag on because there isn’t anything occurring and everyone is just waiting for the story to get up.


The sentences that follow give away things in Obsession. At your own risk, read.

How Do Anna And William Meet Each Other?

The show doesn’t waste time; it starts introducing people in the first few seconds of the first episode. The Farrow family, which consists of William, Ingrid, Jay, and Sally, is introduced to us. The four appear to be the ideal family; they are all attractive, in good health, and relatively successful. Actually, William might be one of England’s top doctors. He separates twins who are born connected to each other when we first encounter him. The procedure was successful, and William is praised for preserving the infants’ lives.

The episode introduces us to the rest of the family and centres on William’s son Jay. Jay appears to be in a committed relationship and is considering telling his parents about her lover. He feels anxious. Everyone is startled to learn that Jay doesn’t appear to fall in love quickly. In situations like this, he is quite picky. He has, however, fallen head over heels in love with this girl. Everyone is eager to see Anna Barton, who goes by that name. William does not like getting ready for a social call by himself. He is made to perform it.obsession ending explained,obsession season 2,obsession netflix cast,obsession movie 2020,netflix obsession series,never ending obsession meaning,netflix love and obsession series,** netflix obsession ending

William, who is obnoxious, is seen mingling with other high society guests and colleagues at the event. William’s eyes make eye contact with the eyes of a stunning woman in the throng, who has short red hair and a seductive and intriguing stare. They give each other a prolonged look before breaking eye contact. When William enters the bar, the redhead there exclaims, “High.” Anna Barton is who she presents herself as. Both William and Anna are aware that this man is the boyfriend of their respective partners. But, they don’t appear to give a damn.

There is a strong bond between them, and when Ingrid inquires as to whether he saw Jay’s girlfriend at the party as she was supposed to be there, William replies that he did not. Yet it becomes apparent over the next few days that William can’t help but think about Anna. It appears as though she has cast a spell over him. William is really anxious as the day approaches when the family will meet her. They are both in love with this woman, but they are unaware of each other’s feelings, therefore Jay is also uneasy. Just one way can this come to pass. Bad.

Do Anna And William Maintain Their Affair A Secret?

On the day of the encounter, these two were unable to look away from one another. The following day, William gets a call from Anna in his workplace. They arrange a meeting time and location before having their first private encounter. Naturally, this encounter results in some passionate sex. Although knowing that it is wrong, they don’t care. Anna wants to establish some guidelines so they can continue to act covertly without being found. William, though, starts to get some odd messages from someone. It appears that someone is competent.

Anna seeks Jay’s hand in marriage as their relationship continues to grow. Yes, she answers. William, who was envious of his son, was shocked by this. Anna reassures him that even when she gets married, they can still see each other. At the engagement celebration, the family encounters Anna’s mother. As she mixes Jay with Anton, Anna’s deceased brother, Anna’s mother is obviously upset. Although she doesn’t progress further, it appears that Anna and her deceased brother had a troubled past. At the gathering, Anna and William have sex.

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Jay is questioning whether to stay engaged. He senses Anna is concealing something from him and refusing to be honest with him. He is informed by Anna’s buddy that this is exactly how she is. If she doesn’t want to tell you something, she won’t. Jay expresses his uncertainty to his father, who is obviously attempting to frighten Jay and persuade him not to marry Anna. Jay starts to have suspicions after hearing his father mention something that Anna also says. He follows William, who then directs him to Anna’s flat, where they meet. The act of having sex with his fiancée is discovered by Jay.

Jay recoils in fear and dies after plunging many stories below the stars. Unclothed, William rushes to cradle his deceased kid as Anna walks away in tears. William experiences a collapse in his life and loses both his wife and daughter. As Jay’s mother attends the burial, William is only concerned with finding Anna. He eventually locates her at the location of her and Jay’s planned honeymoon. More than anything, William yearns for Anna, but she rejects him and departs.

In the end, we see Anna seeking assistance in therapy but repeating the cycle by falling in love with her therapist just as she did with William months before.