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Where To Buy Nope Movie’s Alien “Viewer” Masks And Alien Plush Toy?

If you watched Jordan Peele’s Nope in theaters, you may have been curious about how you could purchase some of that alien merchandize. The good news is that it will be available soon!

The alien dolls and alien masks in Jordan Peele’s most recent horror film are merely one man’s interpretation of the strange threat looming in the skies above, used in the movie’s trailers as a means of confusing us without giving away too much for those who haven’t yet seen it. What’s REALLY happening in the film is a little bit more unconventional.

Replicas of the alien dolls and masks that were utilised in the tourist trap “Star Lasso Experience”

in Nope will be available this Halloween from Trick or Treat Studios!

An Alien Viewer Plush doll costs $19.99, a mask costs $49.99, and alien viewer hands cost $49.99. All of these items are currently available for pre-order. You can get it for $24.99 on Ebay but it is currently out of stock.

In the movie, the Jupiter’s Claim gift shop displays the Star Lasso Experience Alien “Viewer” Plush as well as the Alien “Viewer” Masks and Hands.

The replicas are officially licensed, so order them now and get them for Halloween!

