The Batman Director Matt Reeves Confirmed An Easter Egg About Paul Dano’s Riddler

Fans are examining every frame of The Batman on HBO Max now that it is available, and director Matt Reeves has revealed one especially well-hidden feature on Twitter. Reeves responded to a fan who questioned whether their observation was accurate after tagging him in a movie screen shot.


The fan questioned whether a barely discernible shadowy person in a house across the street was Paul Dano’s Riddler after sharing a screengrab of an establishing image outside the Iceberg Lounge, where Colin Farrell’s “Oz” rules the roost. Yes, I can confirm that. 100%,” Reeves tweeted in response to the original post’s comment. The fan credited their friend with discovering the Easter egg, saying, “You can actually see Paul Dano’s Riddler at the window opposite the Iceberg Lounge, waiting, watching.”


The Riddler is depicted in the movie, which saw its theatrical release in March, as a Zodiac-style serial murderer who targets corrupt officials and police officers in Gotham City one at a time. Robert Pattinson’s Batman, as portrayed by Reeves, returns to the character’s investigative origins. The three-hour movie plays out like a noir as Batman unearths a plot that potentially be linked to his own kin.

By the way, the screenshot serves as a useful reminder of how distinctive Reeves’ take on Gotham was. The Batman, which was primarily shot in Liverpool, was plagued with severe production delays brought on by the epidemic, driving up its claimed $200 million budget. The Gotham skyline was enhanced using CGI in the majority of pictures, most likely including the one we’re discussing right now. The Gotham district attorney Gil Colson, who is portrayed by Peter Sarsgaard, was one of The Riddler’s victims, and he appeared to be following him around outside the Iceberg Lounge. The Riddler mercilessly killed Colson outside the Iceberg Lounge while he was in his car.

The Batman, which also stars Zoe Kravitz as Selina Kyle, Jeffrey Wright as James Gordon, Andy Serkis as Alfred Pennyworth, and John Turturro as Carmine Falcone, has amassed over $751 million at the global box office and is presently the most successful movie of the year. With two prequels and two streaming series for HBO Max in development, Warner Bros. has huge aspirations for Matt Reeves’ Batman universe. The second programme has developed into a horror tale set inside the Arkham Asylum, while the first is still a gangster drama in the vein of Scarface that centres on Farrell’s Penguin. The Gotham City Police Department was the subject of the procedural that this show was once described as. In this movie, Reeves also debuted his interpretation of the Joker. Barry Keoghan played the legendary bad guy, who might make an appearance in upcoming sequels.