Update : PlayStation Plus Free Games Latest Update After June Announcement

PlayStation Plus Monthly Games - PS5 & PS4 - June 2022

In territories outside of Asia, PlayStation Now’s sizable download/streaming library is included into PlayStation Plus in June, making it a key month for the service.


The “new” PS Plus is divided into three tiers: Extra adds several PS5 games to the mix and a huge PS4 game library from PS Now, while Premium adds a fresh batch of downloadable PS1 and PSP games as well as the opportunity to stream the majority of the Plus library. Essential is precisely the same as Plus is right now. offers a number of PS3 titles right now that can only be played through streaming.


We’ll focus on those free games today because the majority of folks already have and will continue to have a normal PS Plus membership. These primary Plus freebies are yours to keep for as long as you are a member, unlike games on higher tiers which may change over time (as subscription service content typically does).

Sony’s entertainment division’s Playstation Plus monthly game release date is June 2022.

The main freebie for this month is God of War from 2018. Because of how significantly the time, place, structure, and gameplay have changed, this edition of the gory mythology-themed murder-thon is also a perfect place for newbies to start. It continues the story of Kratos.

Our main character, who is usually angry, is now a father to Atreus, a timid young boy who needs to learn how to fight if they are to embark on a journey to spread the kid’s mother’s ashes. This character’s life is constantly disrupted by a strong and mysterious figure.

Given how well-liked the game is, it makes sense that Sony would want to make it available to all Plus subscribers at no additional cost. The game is now available on PS Now and is free to claim for Plus subscribers who own a PS5 console (especially since the sequel Ragnarok is on the way).

The highly popular (and lengthy) Naruto series has produced a variety of top-notch fighting games over the years, including Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker.

The fact that this entry uses content from the Boruto sequel series and that matches are now four-on-four makes it more appealing than, say, the Ultimate Ninja Storm games. Simply be aware that there are anime ninjas with outrageously inflated skills and superb graphical shading if none of this makes any sense to you.

SpongeBob SquarePants’ follow-up, Battle for Bikini Bottom, has grown in popularity. There is Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl, which was resurrected as a freebie in April (it is still listed under “most played this week” on PSNProfiles).

This game is essentially a low-budget Super Smash Bros. with characters from Nick brands like SpongeBob, Danny Phantom, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and more. Reviews are mixed, despite the fact that there is a lot of nostalgia for the modest quantity of free. If you’re like that, you can obtain two Platinum trophies since you get distinct PS4 and PS5 versions.

These three games are available for free starting on June 7. Up until June 22, when the revised PS Plus services go online in the UK, current Plus/Now subscribers cannot renew their subscriptions.