Ronald March Murder: Unraveling the Details of a Shocking Crime

When Ronald March was killed in Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada, in August 2012, it shocked the town.

The offender, Lance Sandberg, was quickly identified as the main suspect by the authorities. Because he and the victim have a lengthy history of hostility, Ronald March

‘Fear Thy Neighbour: Hell-Bent,’ a riveting documentary series on Investigation Discovery, delves deeply into the incidents.

The events leading up to his death and the terrifying attack altered everyone’s life in a permanent way.

The untimely death of Ronald March

A nice and compassionate man named Ronald William March, who loved to read, lived in Vancouver and had just relocated to a senior community in Burnaby.

At the age of 57, Ronald was using medication to assist him cope with the difficulties caused by the inflammatory disease lupus.

After hearing distressing screams on the evening of August 8, 2012, a neighbour went outside and discovered Ronald laying on the ground.

On Renfrew Street in the 3400 block, he was discovered covered in a lot of blood.

Ronald couldn’t be saved even if someone instantly dialled 911 for assistance. His throat had been severed, and he had received 12 knife wounds.

which resulted in the jugular artery being severed, instantly killing him.

The Investigation in the murder case

Law enforcement discovered earlier meetings between Ronald March and a man by the name of Lance Standberg during the investigation into Ronald March’s death.

Ronald lived in another subsidised flat before relocating to the senior complex.

where Loray Rayne, who was dating Lance, lived in the same neighbourhood as him.

According to rumours, Loray needed Lance’s help because of his health. However, rumours abounded on the nature of their relationship.

mostly because Lance spent a lot of time working away from home as a seasonal oil worker.

Loray started asking Ronald for assistance with things like relocating and food shopping more frequently over time. Sadly, Ronald’s health problems made it difficult to continue helping Loray.

When she refused to put out her cigarette while Ronald was driving Loray and he ended up pushing her out of the car, things really got out of hand.

When Loray accused Ronald of hitting her, he was taken into custody. She later abandoned the accusations, though.

Lance was made aware of the altercation after the murder case, and as a result, Lance attacked Ronald and even hit him with a steel pipe.

Ronald called the police to report the assaults, but Lance escaped both times.

Ronald ultimately made the decision to vacate the flat, and on August 8, 2012, he did so.

Lance, who was 47 at the time, was later found to have logged Ronald’s movement and was thought to have followed his truck.

Lance disputed these charges. The police think Ronald was ambushed by Lance, who then fatally stabbed him in the alley.

After a short police chase, Lance was apprehended in the early hours of August 9 in connection with the murder of Ronald March.

The legal proceedings and Lance Standberg’s fate

Lance Sandberg insisted on his innocence after being detained in connection with the crime and said he had no involvement.

He claimed that Ronald had taken something from his storage space in order to defend the video of his move.

Despite an ongoing first trial, the police discovered evidence of Ronald’s blood in Lance’s vehicle.

In a following trial in November 2014, Lance was ultimately found guilty of first-degree murder.

According to the records, he was given a life sentence with a 25-year parole eligibility period.

At a prison in British Columbia, the murderer is completing his term.