Sailor Moon: We Tried Answering The Unanswered Questions About Sailor Saturn

The supporting Sailor Senshi of the title character were gradually introduced throughout the Sailor Moon franchise’s various story arcs. They entered the stage one by one. Fans were able to get to know the first unveiled Senshis, the Inner Senshi, in great detail as a result. Sailor Saturn, however, was the last Sailor Senshi to be exposed as a part of the old Moon Kingdom’s defences.


When Sailor Saturn awoke, her immense strength might wipe out an entire planet. That stands in stark contrast to the charming and reserved Hotaru Tomoe the Sailor Senshi first encountered. There are many unanswered issues concerning Hotaru’s character because she doesn’t get as much screen time as the other Sailor Senshi.


Updated on September 10, 2021, by Amanda Bruce Fans get fresh interpretations of their beloved Sailor Moon characters with every new adaptation. Sailor Saturn’s character has remained mostly consistent throughout all of the media, including the live-action musicals, anime, and manga. Fans still desire to know more about her despite the fact that unlike many other Sailor Moon characters, she hasn’t had significant personality or plot changes.

Did She Have An Alternative Name?

Nearly all of the characters in the Sailor Moon anime from the 1990s had new names as a result of the translations. Hotaru chose not to. However, a teen magazine gave her a new name.

Publishers altered the character’s name to Jenny when she initially appeared in Tokyo’s Smile magazine as part of the Sailor Moon serial. The magazine changed its mind and printed Sailor Saturn’s name as Hotaru for her following appearances after receiving complaints from fans who were already familiar with the manga.

Did She Originally Help Defend The Moon Kingdom?

It’s debatable how involved Sailor Saturn would have been in the first Moon Kingdom. She wasn’t actually conscious during the height of the kingdom, as far as the fans are aware.

Sailor Saturn was originally planned to be the Sailor Senshi who, if the world couldn’t be saved, would “reset” it. She reportedly dozed off in her home planet’s castle before the devastation of the Moon Kingdom’s fall prompted her to awaken. She didn’t destroy the entire kingdom with her Silence Glaive until Queen Serenity’s reincarnation magic had time to work. By destroying everything, Sailor Saturn enabled everyone to experience rebirth.

Does Sailor Saturn Have Any Abilities In Civilian Form?

Sailor Saturn shares some precognitive skills with the other Outer Senshi, but hers are more potent. For instance, Sailor Neptune’s Sailor Senshi abilities are so potent that Sailor Uranus also awakens to her Sailor Senshi persona. But like Sailor Mars, she doesn’t always comprehend the hazy dreams she has. Hotaru has more detailed visions.

In addition to seeing visions and prophetic dreams for herself, Hotaru can also literally project images for other people to see. Even just for fun, she can cause images to appear all over the room for the other Sailor Senshi to see.

How Does Sailor Saturn’s Power Relate To The Roman God Saturn?

Although the Sailor Senshi are named after celestial bodies, the Greco-Roman myths serve as the foundation for their skill sets. In other words, the gods who gave the planets their names are connected to their powers.

The deity of the harvest, wealth, and rebirth is Saturn. At first listen, that doesn’t sound like Sailor Saturn. The tremendous strength of Sailor Saturn, on the other hand, is focused on the harvest, which is compared to the cycle of life. Like a farmer preparing his fields for the following season, she puts an end to everything so that it can begin again.

How Is Her Blood Type Significant?

Fans of Japanese pop culture will notice that blood types for characters and celebrities are frequently mentioned on statistic pages and trivia write-ups. This is due to the notion that a person’s blood type might have an impact on some facets of their personality. This makes Sailor Saturn particularly intriguing because numerous adaptations have identified multiple blood types for her.

She was type O, just like Sailor Moon, in the original illustrations made by the series’ creator Naoko Takeuchi. These individuals are vivacious, sociable, and adaptable, traits Hotaru initially lacks. She most likely developed type AB blood, which is the blood type of opposites, at the time Takeuchi started the manga for this reason. Like Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto, these individuals frequently have characteristics that make them incredibly conflicted characters.

In the manga, the original anime, and the musicals, Sailor Saturn has this blood type. For whatever reason, her blood type is indicated as A in the Sailor Moon Crystal datasheet. Another explanation for her reserved and frequently solemn demeanour is that Type As are composed in stressful situations but often feel uneasy around people.

How Is Sailor Saturn’s Personality Unique From The Other Sailor Senshi?

In most cases, when a teen took on their Sailor Senshi form, they didn’t remember everything from their history, but their past and present lives fused to make one person. Sailor Venus remembered more than most of the others, and over time, some of the others were able to recall a large portion of their past. But only Sailor Saturn was utterly different from her demeanour in her everyday life.

In other words, Hotaru and Sailor Saturn had distinct personalities. Although Sailor Saturn may have been reincarnated in Hotaru’s body, her soul existed apart from that of the little girl. As a result, Hotaru was able to independently awaken memories as Sailor Saturn in human form.

How Many Other Souls Lived In Her Body?

There must be at least two souls in existence given that Hotaru and Sailor Saturn behave as though they are two separate entities coexisting in the same body. But there have been reports of two more taking up residence inside Hotaru. Both both the manga and the anime, Mistress 9 developed inside of Hotaru, essentially preserving the young girl after suffering a fatal wound. Her evil influence was what temporarily overcame Hotaru’s physical form.

There was still another character in the musicals. The Kaguya Island tales are comprised of four live musicals that have been presented in Japan. Hotaru and Sailor Saturn shared Kon’s body during each of those tales. During the major struggle, Kon, who was actually composed of the energy of shattered stars, gave Sailor Moon her strength. As a result, at some time in every Hotaru adaption, at least three creatures are said to be thinking together.

Is Sailor Saturn Evil?

Sailor Saturn isn’t thought of as one of the “good” Sailor Senshi. The reason Sailor Saturn is evil. She isn’t. Because of how Sailor Saturn was initially portrayed in the 1990s anime, some fans perceive her as being malevolent. The Outer Senshi feared her might because when she destroyed a world, it might be the end of their species.

But Sailor Saturn was never really bad. Her civilian form’s relationship with Mistress 9, whose body she once occupied, is mostly responsible for the “evil” connotation. Sailor Saturn might be viewed as the Sailor Senshi’s last line of defence. If there was no other way to resolve a problem, she was only supposed to kill the planet. Sailor Saturn has no delight in bringing an end to civilization.

*Is Sailor Saturn Stronger Than Sailor Moon?

It could appear like Sailor Saturn is the most powerful Sailor Senshi because she is capable of truly destroying the world with her Silence Glaive. That isn’t always the case.

In the manga and anime, Sailor Moon is portrayed as a calming influence rather than a destructive one. The power of love is even used to strike an enemy the final blow. The live action series Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon and other Sailor Moon adaptations have gone a little deeper into the subject of the titular character’s strength. The Outer Senshi don’t show up at all, and Sailor Moon’s Princess form is shown to be capable of destroying the entire world by herself. It’s important to note that Sailor Moon is always the final Senshi to stand against the most powerful foe in any adaptation. She is able to harness the strength of every Senshi, including Sailor Saturn, who is indicated to be unable to do so. The most potent character is still Sailor Moon.

*What Is Sailor Saturn’s Zodiac Sign?

The evolution of Super Sailor Saturn in Sailor Moon When designing the world of her characters for Eternal Sailor Moon, Naoko Takeuchi took care to align each one’s planet with the zodiac sign’s ruling planet. Sailor Saturn’s birthday, which falls on January 6, coincides with the Capricorn season.

Hard effort and responsibility are linked with Capricorns and their ruling planet. Hotaru is very much the serious and responsible child, even though the audience doesn’t see her in her civilian or Sailor Saturn appearance exhibit the ambition associated with the sign. She puts a lot of effort into controlling her power as she awakens. She also assumes full responsibility for both killing the planet and saving it.

*What Unique Ability Does She Have?

All of the Sailor Senshi have special powers that, in essence, turn energy into planet-specific blasts. Sailor Mars is connected with fire, whereas Sailor Venus is focused on love. They rarely display remarkable traits outside of combat prowess. Hotaru is an exception to that.

Only two Sailor Senshi have the capacity to heal other people, and Hotaru is one of them. After a battle, she can heal Chibiusa. Only Sailor Moon herself, and only after a few power-ups, is the other Sailor Senshi who can perform it. This special talent demonstrates Sailor Saturn’s superior strength to the other Senshi.







What Does Her Name Mean?

Hotaru feels Sailor Saturn’s form brush her forehead, bringing back memories of the Sailor Moon anime from the 1990s.
The civilian name Sailor Saturn connects her to her planetary status, just like all of the other Sailor Senshi in the franchise. Takeuchi frequently incorporated parts of the characters that made up the Japanese names of the respective planets of the Senshi to also form their final names. Here, she followed suit. The first kanji of the name Dosei, which means Saturn (literally, “Earth star” in English), is also the first kanji in the surname Tomoe.

The kanji is specifically used to represent “dirt” or “earth.” To honour the connection between the Roman god Saturn and the harvest, the characters that make up the word Tomoe really signify “earth” and “sprouting.” On the other hand, the Japanese word hotaru is translated as “firefly.” Given that fireflies are connected to the spirits of the deceased, the comparison is appropriate. Some people think that Japanese warriors’ ghosts are represented by fireflies.


What Is Her Favorite School Subject?

Publishers will often feature various characters and provide stats about them that might not otherwise be included in the book at the back of numerous manga volumes. Hotaru’s favourite subject and colour, purple, are just a couple of the data mentioned.

Hotaru’s favourite topic makes sense. She enjoys global history. It’s encouraging to know that a young girl who can level entire worlds in her previous life is concerned about preserving that history. It may not have been a deliberate allusion to her role as a Sailor Senshi, but it works.